Ian Abram

Dedicated to 2016GI. Thanks for adding to collection!

Ian was my highschool crush. Well,he still is. He was mostly at our house for the parties Tuesday threw. I liked him but he never did like me back. Arianna was his girlfriend. Arianna Meyer. The meanest girl in school. She was Tuesday's friend. Tuesday was mean too but she was my sister and we loved each other. Except when our parents mum especially made me feel like trash. I hated to be compared to the Almighty Tuesday.

Ian Abram was in the same class as I was, Tuesday was a year ahead because she was really smart.

It was in the summer of 1970,the world's trade center had just been built in New York and everyone wanted to be there. Everyone except me,Ian and Melvin. I was a rebel, simple as that. Ian lost a bet to his teammates and that's why he didn't go to the trade center,he was ashamed. Melvin hated crowds so couldn't afford to be in such a place. My sister had just died two years back so naturally my parents turned all their attention to me. They wanted me to get a job in the world's trade center to save for college but I didn't want a job. I didn't even want to go to college. So,I took a bus to New York and began my never ending journey to immortality.

I arrived in New York and stayed with Abigail's aunt. Abigail was an acquaintance(I wouldn't call her a friend). She was very nice,not only to me but to everyone. She was fondly called Abby but I stuck to calling her by her full name. We both stayed in New York with Aunt Linda. Abigail got a job in the underground house so she went to work everyday. I stayed at home for two days and would listen to the radio all day.

"This is not an holiday if you are sitting on the couch all day". Aunt Linda said to me one day.

I went out the next day. Aunt Linda was really nice to let me stay at her house (there was no way my parents could afford an hotel in New York) and I concluded that it is only fair that I adhere to her. I explored the underground house and soon got bored. I left the trade center and went to Broadway with Abigail after her morning shift. While we stood in line to watch a show, someone bumped into me.

"Hey watch it". The voice said. It was Ian. He was standing in line for the show. Two facts about Ian Abram. He never stood in line and he never

I stood frozen. I could only stare. Usually,I would talk back and would probably end up breaking a bone or two but it was different. It was Ian. Ian Abram. The only guy that made me lose my guard. The only guy that made me hate Arianna so much.