New day

 The sight of his father's carriage getting farther and farther away crushed his heart. Even with his maturity, he still couldn't help but develop an attachment towards his father here in the world of Lumia, which was normal, since he physically came from his blood and flesh.

 His departure would cause a ripple on their family and things will never be the same without him. Although he would only leave for ten years, it will still make a difference without the man who had been there for them. The citizens were not questioning the King's command about Lord Melvin's journey but they know they lost a competent leader like him. The treatment for Lady Erza was no lower than Lord Melvin's but it was different for Mael, who was looked at as a child, and a child only. 

Mael's first day of being the new Lord came and he's got his plans for the betterment of the Golden Valley already. He's had it ever since but preferred not to become pushy about it towards his father, so leaving Golden Valley to his mother allowed him to execute his plans. Although he has been wanting to show it to his parents beforehand, he didn't have much opportunity to do so.

Knowing about Sage's prophecy pressured him enough to feel like he needed to execute his plans as soon as possible. So without wasting time, he went closer to his mother's ears and whispered that he has plans for Golden Valley. It shocked her thus he showed his detailed plan for the future by going into their room with a drawing board in it. 

He drew the map of Golden Valley, adding planned drawings for his vision while his mother watched with amazement. He also further explained that the coming of dark age was the main reason why his plan had to be successful. 

 "Okay, I know what you're thinking, son, and I also heard your father's warning because I've been there. I will support you since I feel a sense of urgency for the Coming of Dark Age. And by knowing this, I will gather the representatives immediately but you have to be the one to explain this. I will be there to support you and watch your back, okay?" Erza reached for her son's hand and he nodded. 

Mael succeeded in gaining his mother's approval thus he commanded the maids to prepare the soundproof private room where they were to conduct their meeting. He would like to know more about the current Golden Valley now.

His mom told them that it was urgent so she managed to quickly assemble the representatives of the different sectors, who prepared to meet their current lord as soon as Erza instructed them. 

Mael finished his breakfast and washed before dressing in a formal attire befitting a Lord. He then waited outside to welcome and escort the visitors coming from different sectors with their distinguishable carriages that will notify him of their social statuses. Mael walked with them towards the private room with snacks on top of red tablecloths. 

Mael sat on his father's chair and invited the rest of them to be seated. He then coughed to gather their attention before his mother entered the room and stood behind him. They all quieted down as she instructed them too before delivering a short speech for them to hear before the meeting proceeds.

 "All citizens of various sectors, I called upon each one of you as I have seen a problem in the future. We were here today as the young Lord has prospects for the betterment of our Golden Valley. Please pay attention as he speaks on my behalf. Now, Lord Mael, you may begin." Erza said with authority.

 Mael distributed the papers in his hand, each had different contents and was prepared specifically for the representatives in the room. He made them read it, and so they did, but others were not trying to at all. He continued to observe their reactions and watched the amazement across their face as they continued to scan what's written in the paper. 

 "As the young Lord, I may not have the competence of my father but with the permission of my mother, I am giving these plans to each one of you. I have seen the urgency for it to be executed immediately as secret information that the coming of dark age is near, came from the King himself. That a calamity will occur and spread the lands of Lumia. Knowing this will give us the advantage to be able to prepare beforehand," Mael said.

 "Why should we believe a young one like you? Do you have proof that you are competent enough?" asked the Merchant representative. Mael shushed his mother who was about to speak and replied with a calm voice.

 "Of course, of course. I am a child of no experience and you are a merchant who has greater maturity than me, but, you see, at the age of five, I have earned sufficient money by becoming an alchemist that supplies floating lamps to every single house here in Golden Valley. Your house is one of them, isn't it? Of course, you are still doubting me, so here's another one. I am the master enchanter of the Golden Valley's Master Blacksmith himself. So If you still doubt my capability, let me tell you that I have also managed to kill a bear at the same age and stay in the forest for days, all alone." They all stayed silent. "You can't do that, can you? If you can, then I will move back to being a young master. So if you want to question my rulership, can you read the paper first?" 

 The Merchant representative was taken aback and his once sarcastic face turned pale. So, he started reading the paper in his hand. "This is an elaborate plan! Goodness! Is this from your initiatives?" Asked the Merchant. 

Erza coughed and said, "These plans were thoroughly checked and earned my approval, so don't doubt it even if it came from my son. Read before you complain." 

 Mael looked at them and said, "As you can see, the King made plans to stop the calamity, but I believe that we should also be prepared. A time will occur when Golden Valley will be tested with famine and attacks of monsters. We don't know it yet, but it has a high possibility. We should make Golden Valley a haven for the others because other villages won't be safe as well." The representatives were surprised by what they heard, fully understanding why he had to take certain measures and clearing their doubts for a bit.

The first one that he tackled was the agriculture sector. He needs them to practice organic farming and crop rotation, as well as pest and disease management, food preservation, and many more. They will focus on food production, and if his knowledge in fisheries animal and plant production were right, they will be able to last throughout the winter without running out of food. The representative of agriculture looked at the files and saw everything. Shocked, he said, "This is-" 

"Yes! I call it an agricultural revolution!" Mael butt in and moved to the next plan. 

The kingdom's tradition in finding money for their coffers was primarily through taxation. They didn't know a secret that would make the kingdom prosper. It was all through business. A high-ranking individual has a monthly salary of twenty gold coins but it was just a businessman's daily income. He planned to make income-generating projects like Breweries, animal and vegetable productions, food preservation like; fruit jams, fruit concentrates, canned goods, pickles, and meat preservation like salting and curing. It will act as the buffer for the salary of the new citizens' recruitment. Luckily, they have a gold mine to sustain it in the meantime. 

They will welcome anyone who goes to their realm but if there happened to be an attack in the kingdom and destroyed the land where the lord was, it would be okay for the serfs to migrate. So when it happens, the Golden Valley will be their choice due to the high salary. 

Next was the pension of the citizens. Mael made compensation for senior citizens to have a pension of at least ten silvers per month. It is not much but it will keep them from dying of starvation. Next, Mael decided to turn a vacant land from their territory into a proper place where beggars and street children can stay. Then for the merchants. Mael knew that they were currently paying daily rent for their occupancy in the market and decided to sell them the goods of income-generating projects so they will be the ones who will deliver them to the entirety of the continent. Which was a win-win situation for them.

Next was the major projects called blacksmiths, craftsmen, mining, and steelworks. He decided to increase the volume of mining production. There was an iron mine in the east, a gold mine in the north, and a sandy soil for glass production in the north-east. He will feed and build a place for the workers to stay and offer paying jobs to those who were capable. Next, the steelworks. With the proper equipment and a larger factory, they can make many stainless steels in a day. Then the blacksmiths, with the higher salary will naturally migrate to Golden valley. Mael planned to make mass production of steel armors and weapons since they needed it to arm themselves in case of a surprise invasion. Now for the craftsmen, He will need them to make tin cans and glass jars en-masse for their local products.

The representatives noted his plans while listening.

Next was the projects to construct new buildings. He wanted to build them for the residence of the new migrators and the factories of their income-generating projects. A steelworks factory, larger blacksmithing station, woodcutters lumbering stations, charcoal stations, brewery, greenhouse, and research for health and mana potions.

Next were the water systems, drainage, and water supply. He was planning on making a water pumping station from the mountain top of Golden mountains, from the small water brooks that have joined together; which consists of the big river that traveled to Golden Valley. If we can manipulate the waters from there, then they will have water for their irrigation and water treatment facility. He planned on supplying everyone with drinking water and potable water for many uses but the only problem was the drainage. Drainage was useful for controlling floods and thus it was also a major project.

Next was the primary school for kindergarten and kids. He was an expert on different subjects and prepared to hand in teaching materials. Thus, the only problem was the teachers that will teach the kids. The kids need to know how to read, write, and do basic math. And so he made the kids go to school earlier where they will develop their self-confidence and socializing skills.

Next was the watchtowers and walls as well as recruitment of the army for defense. Mael was confronted with the greatest issue, which is about defending the borders of the Golden Valley. They need to at least recruit a thousand soldiers to defend this realm. Thus, he will recruit the youthful beggars and jobless citizens totaling about two hundred recruits, not much, but it was just the first recruitment. The next recruits will be the migrators. With this, he planned to expand his territory, so he needs to spread the gossip throughout the kingdoms using agents. 

Then, the greatest and most costly budget was for the 'walls' and the 'watchtowers'. Starting from the town's borders towards the Watchtowers of Golden mountains. The Golden Valley was at the undeveloped southernmost of the kingdom with a river in the side of town and Golden mountains that encircled the valley, making watchtowers in the mountain tops a great strategy. If the budget was enough, then they will make great walls in the borders. 

Next was the ports for boats, fishing, and trade, as well as making a naval fleet. Mael had big dreams and aimed high, basically an idealist and a dreamer. He planned on making the first three ships and drew the designs on thick paper before assigning them to someone on the recruitment.

"I will assign the fishermen of Golden Valley," Mael said.

"What? We fishermen only know how to fish. We cannot fight on the sea!" the representative of the fishermen said.

"Training is the key to your problem. I will assign someone to train all of you," said Mael. 

"Well then, that will be the answer," the representative replied.

The meeting was finally coming to an end. He then served the lunch he prepared beforehand for the visitors to enjoy. "Let us eat to celebrate my first day of being your lord! I have prepared lunch for all of us! Enjoy!" Mael said to him.

"It was a three-course menu with an appetizer, a main course, and dessert. The appetizer was pork soup with tamarind, the main course was garlic chicken and the dessert was Leche flan and macaroni salad!" Mael shouted.

They were delighted by the appetizer. "The soup was like a flood. Drowning me with its taste," said the tax collector. 

They felt excited about the main dish and ate it. "The sweetness of the garlic chicken was contemplating with the garlic. Making me perspire from the soup followed by an explosion of flavor from the garlic chicken," said the agriculture representative.

"Next was the dessert, eat the macaroni first then the Leche flan," Mael told them.

They ate it and never felt so satisfied with it. They were amazed by the tasty food and so they greeted the new lord with thanksgiving from their hearts. The meeting was adjourned and Mael talked with his mother during the night.

"They surely enjoyed the meeting! It's a great start for your first day as a lord," said Erza.

"I didn't know if Melvin planned this, but it made Mael bloom like a flower. He became matured by leaving the Golden Valley in his hands." Erza said in her mind while looking at her son.

"It's just the start mom, I need to be prepared for the worst. I'll go and wash first before going to bed." Mael then walked to his room and washed. He wore his pajamas and prepared to sleep. 

When he was about to drift to sleep, someone entered his room and hugged him. Mael woke up and saw that it was his mother."I didn't know that you were capable of lording the Golden Valley. I'm surprised that you're even wiser than your father. I will miss the days of your youth when you are now the Lord of this land" Mael settled his head on her lap while Erza strokes his hair.

"Yeah, I know," he replied to her.

"Let's just sleep now. We will be early tomorrow," she said as she kissed him on the head.

"Mom?! I'm not a kid anymore," he said, embarrassed.

"Good. Then let's sleep," she cuddled him.

"Mom, it's suffocating." 

"Let me hug you just this time. I know you're tired, my son."

"It's alright mom. Let's wait for dad's return in the meantime," he said as he hugged back.

They stayed like that until Erza fell asleep. Mael stood up and walked by the window side to watch the stars. He can hear the singing of crickets and the ribbit of the frogs, it was a good feeling of peace and security that lasted until midnight. He watched the meteors shower through the night until one of the meteors came crashing into the mountains.