" Why are there so many of them?" Flavio asks " we've killed around 300 by now" Card said " Yeah it feels like it's not just one demon horde" the village chief said "but every demon horde have At least 1 4th class right chief?" Tan asks "Right" the village chief replied " chief there's an Arachne" Cris shouted " Let's go face it Flavio" the village chief ordered " be careful guys there might be another 4th class" the village chief continued " Copy sir" the warriors and the scouts said in unison. Flavio swings his sword to the arachne to get it's attention "{You! What did you do to my brother?!}" the arachne said " so that's your sibling ha?" Flavio ask " I put his bones inside his sword and make it mine" Flavio continued " {You little inferior being can't kill my brother}" the arachne said, Flavio just gave him a smirk and start swinging his sword at the arachne but the arachne just dodge it easily with its enhanced speed and enhanced danger sense after the arachne dodge the wind gust from Flavio's sword it rushed towards Flavio and stab him with one of its feet, Flavio blocked it but the force of the attack forces him to roll backward 7 times "{Hahahahaha that's all you got human?}" the arachne laugh at Flavio's inferior strength but Flavio just brushed it off and smirks at the demon "is that all you can do?" Flavio shouted and swings his sword in an X shape but the arachne block it with it's halberd "good now you're using your weapon" Flavio said " Chief go help the others I'll take care of this one" Flavio continued "are you sure you got this?" The village chief asks " Yes chief" Flavio replied and smirks . The arachne rushes towards Flavio and swings it's halberd Flavio swings his sword to block it and a piercing gust of wind got over the arachne's halberd the arachne blocked it with one of it's middle foot "Hahahaha I'll probably make a short sword out of your foot" Flavio said as he move away from the arachne "{If you're still alive after this}" the arachne replied as it concentrates it's magical energy into its halberd " Is that your final attack?" Flavio asks but the arachne didn't reply and rushed towards Flavio but before he could even make it half way Flavio swings his massive broadsword and used up half of his energy and turned it to a piercing gust the arachne blocked it with its halberd that got enchanted with its magic energy but its not enough to block Flavio's attacked the arachne barely made it alive he lost his dominant arm and 3 of it's leg "wow you can survive that?" Flavio shouted " {You fool, you're not gonna be lucky the next time}" the arachne replied and started retreating "where are you going?" Flavio shouted and swings his sword to the direction of the arachne , the Arachne couldn't dodge it and got hit on its abdomen a green liquid spits out of its abdomen before it collapsed to floor "thud" the sound of the body of the arachne as it hits the ground "don't worry I'll make good use of your body" Flavio shouted and rushed towards the arachnes corpse "Yea its dead, but let me make sure" Flavio said as he swings his sword to the arachne neck and cut it clean "Now it's really dead" Flavio continued " time to help the others" Flavio continued as he rushes towards the village chief " chief I'm done with the 4th class" Flavio said " we're having a bit of a problem here" the village chief said " what is it chief?" Flavio asks "The scouts are almost out of arrow" the village chief replied "and it doesn't feels like the attack is going to end soon" the village chief continued " what do you want me to do chief? Flavio asks " take card with you and kill all the frozen demons and take the arrows" the village chief replied " copy sir" said Card and Flavio in unison as they went to the frontline and killed all the frozen demons and take the arrows that froze them . 30 minutes have pass Flavio and Card killed about 130 demons, the total number of demon corpses on the ground is about 680 and there are only 22 warriors left, the scouts didn't suffer any casualties. " Flavio take a breather we can handle this for awhile" the village chief ordered Flavio "copy sir" Flavio replied and went to the middle of the mountains peak away from all the fighting after 10 minutes of rest Flavio sensed something moving towards him "sh*t 2 arachne" Flavio said with a shocked tone " I don't think I can handle 2 4th class at the same time" Flavio continued "{we can smell the blood of our brother on you}" the arachne said "{what kind of trickery did you lowly humans do to murder my brother}" the other arachne said " I killed your brother with brute force alone" Flavio shouted "{ I will never forgive you!}" both the arachne said in unison as they shoots web on Flavio and rushed towards him Flavio drew his sword and swings it in an X shape to deflect the web but both of the arachne is already close at him and try to stab him Flavio parried both of the arachne and thrust his sword to the ground he used the force of the two arachne to spin his body while holding the hilt of his sword and gave each of the arachne a kick to the face "{You're good human but don't think you could escape me, the best weaver of the arachne clan}" one of the arachne said "{ best weaver who?}" the other arachne said " why don't you two have a competition and whoever wins will be the best weaver!" Flavio declared "{Yea competition}" the arachne replied and they have their competion both of them got trap in there respective webs and cant move " you two made it easy for me" Flavio said " atleast your other brother got me to release half of my energy" Flavio continued "{YOU LOWLY HUMAN!! I WILL KILL YOU}" one of the arachne said " kill me how?" Flavio replied " You're d*mb as a rock" Flavio continued "{Huoowwaaaaa}" both of the arachne screamed " don't worry I'll make good use of your bodies" Flavio said with a comforting tone and beheaded both of the arachnes "wow that got me quite exhausted, good thing they're d*mb as a rock tho hahahaha " Flavio said and laugh he was about to sit down and take a rest when Cris got to his location " did you kill both of that 4th class?" Cris asks " yea , they're dumb as a rock tho" Flavio replied " the chief is looking for you he said the battle is about to be concluded" Cris said " sure, lets go" Flavio replied as he gets ready to move to the village chiefs location. Flavio approach the village chief " chief anything I can help you with?" Flavio asks " Where almost done in here we just need to kill those things that got trap in the holes plus these demons that got impaled " the village chief explained "alright chief I'll take care of the demons that got frozen in the holes" Flavio replied " good will probably set up camp here and take a rest it's almost sunrise" the village chief said " Alright scouts set up camp for everybody and warriors go clean up the demons that got impaled in the spikes" the village chief ordered .