Chapter 2

May 2014

It was a warm spring morning, and I had just gotten out of bed, when my phone rang "ring ring," "Major Micheals here." I answered. "Major, it's Captain George Stiller, General Dalton's aid, the general wants to see you in his office in exactly a half hour, no later than that or sooner than that." Replied Captain Stiller. "I'll be there, I just got out of bed, so I need to get ready, so I can meet with him, also it takes about fifteen minutes to get from my house to the general's office." I replied. "Ok, just get here as soon as you can, and I'll let the general know." Captain Stiller said.

I quickly ended the call and got dressed in my work uniform (not my dress uniform) and finished getting ready, then I grabbed, a bottle of water that I put some all-natural protein shake in, as I was heading out the door. (I don't usually leave the house without eating a substantial meal, except on the rare occasion that I got called into the general's office). I had just gotten to the general's office and was trying to find a parking spot, when I noticed something odd, there were at least twenty times more vehicles then the other times I was called in to see the general, so I parked my vehicle, and went in to see the general as I was instructed to.

As I was heading into the building I noticed the people standing around the door, they had jackets on that read (FBI, NSA, DHS, DOJ, DOD, DIA, and CIA), as I was heading through the door, I wondered to myself (what are all these alphabet agencies doing here).

I was able to get through the door without being stopped, and headed over to the general's office which was closed and knocked, the door was open by Captain Stiller, who pulled me into the room and shut the door making sure it was locked, before I could wonder what was going on.

"Sorry about pulling you in here without letting you speak. We just feel it best if we discuss what we need to, behind closed doors, because we don't need them investigating me. Also if they did investigate me, they would find, you know what ( it wasn't a question)." Said General Dalton. "It's ok, so who are they investigating, why, and if they did investigate you "sir" they would find out about Captain Carder." I replied going tense. "They are here for Lt. Col. Benson, because they 'have proof' or that's what they said, that he was giving classified military documents to our enemies.

But I don't believe he was or is for one minute, because I know him and he wouldn't do that, he loves his children and family to much to risk not being able to see them for the rest of his life, but let's not talk about that anymore. So, how's your wife Major, have you talked to her after, you know?" General Dalton said and asked. "Can you please leave us for a minute Captain?" He asked. "Sure, also I'll keep my mouth shut about what was said while I was in the room, and they (the agencies) won't be able to get me to tell them about what you two need to discuss, because I won't be in the room and won't know what you discussed." Replied Captain Stiller right before he left the room, making sure that the door was locked as he left the room.

"So how are you holding up so far, with all that's happening with you know who?" I asked. "It's been hard, but we'll get through it, we always do." Replied the general with a sigh. "Back to why I called you here." Said General Dalton changing the subject. "Ok, so why did you call me here?" I asked. "For several reasons." Replied General Dalton. "The first being: the main and most important reason, the second being: when you leave you can do some things for me, also before you go, you need to make sure you have everything in order, so you don't have the alphabet agencies snooping around, because if you just up and disappeared, people would start asking questions, causing problems for all of us who know where Captain Carder is.

Back to the first reason, I believe it's time for you to go join your wife, most everything here is under control and if anything does come up and I need you back here, then I can always send for you. Also I will be sending some men and women with you, because I feel you may just need them. One more thing, the men and women I will be sending with you are very loyal trust worthy and would sacrifice themselves in order for you to live.

Ok, back to the second reason I called you here, I need you to go to my house and assure my family that I'm safe, and that I love them. You know what I mean. And the rest of the second reason, you need to make sure everything is in order before you leave, because you leave in thirty six hours. So you have thirty six hours to have everything in order." Said General Dalton.

"Would you go call Captain Stiller in here, please?" Asked the General. "I would be glad to." I replied getting up to call Captain Stiller into the room. (When the Captain was in the room and the door was shut behind him.) "Would you please go call Lt. Col. Michael T. Benson in here then stand outside (outside the general's office) guarding the door?" Asked General Dalton looking at Captain Stiller. "Yes, sir." Replied the Captain getting up to do as the General had asked.

When Col. Benson got in the room and the door shut. "Lock the door Mike." Said General Dalton in a calm voice, not displaying the emotions, I (Jason) knew were ready to be unleashed. "Yes, sir." Replied Col. Benson also in a calm voice as he locked the door. You could still see the tension in his shoulders. "Come here Mike." Said General Dalton gesturing to to the empty chair at the corner of his desk. (When the Col. had finally sat down.) "So, how are you holding up Mike?" Asked General Dalton with concern in his voice. "Not good Jake, I want to go home. And not be blamed for something, I know damn well that I didn't do and am being set up over it." Replied Col. Benson with a shaky quivering voice.

"I know Mike, I know, I haven't been home since before this whole mess started." Said General Dalton with a small smile. To me. "Can you step outside for a little bit Major, for a couple of reasons, one being I need you to keep an eye on what's up with the alphabet agencies, the other is I need to talk to Mike privately." Asked General Dalton. "Yes, sir." I replied getting up and leaving the room, making sure the door was locked on my way out.

Once I was outside the General's office. I started looking around, getting to better understand my surroundings. I oriented my thoughts. And had just started talking to myself in my mind. "I hope the General finds out who set up the Col. and deals with them, so everyone around here can get on with their lives." As I was standing there leaning against the wall talking to myself, one of the agents from the FBI came up to me and asked who I was and what I was doing there, and of course I acted as if I didn't hear the the agent. Saying, "I'm sorry but can you repeat that, I didn't quite hear what you said." "I asked you, who you are and what you were doing here."Asked the Agent in exasperation.

"Oh, who am I? Let's see, I am a fabrication of your imagination." I answered with a big grin. When I said that, I could see that I had made the agent mad. "Who are you really?" Roared the Agent in anger. "I'm sorry Agent Carder, but that's classified, along with what I am doing here." I replied in a calm serious voice. "How do you know my name?" Asked Agent Carder confused. "Your badge. Oh, and by the way your sister said to tell you, she forgives you all, for everything you've done to her." I answered watching Agent Carder go so pale, he's was almost green. Just then my phone rang "ring ring," "Yes?" I said answering the phone.

"Major, it's General Dalton, somethings come up, so we're moving your leave time forward, you are now leaving in twenty-four hours instead of thirty-six, also I still need you to stop by my house, and while you're there I need you to grab some stuff for me, it'll be ready for you to pick up by the time you get there. Your team 'll be ready by the time you are scheduled to leave." Replied General Dalton. "Yes sir, ten-four, also I am leaving right now." I said walking towards the exit.

"Where do you think you are going?" Called out Agent Carder. I just ignored the Agent as I walked out the door. When I got to my truck, I got in and, headed over to the bank, to make sure all of my finances were in order and also withdraw some money (about six thousand dollars worth, in gold), when I was done at the bank, I went to the grocery store to get the stuff I needed (canned food, dried food, and etc.) also I got just enough food for myself for a few days. As I was checking out I noticed someone was following me, but couldn't figure out exactly who it was, but because I was being followed then, it had to be the government, because I didn't think I had made anyone else mad that I knew of.

"But you never know, because someone you thought was your friend, could easily become your enemy with only one word." As I was thinking this, my thoughts went to the one place that I hadn't let myself think of until now. "If they're following me, then who knows what they've researched, and if they find information on. . . . No, not going there." I needed to call the General and, (fear and hope shot through me as I thought of) Bryson and make sure that there weren't any more complicating situations. When I got back out and into my truck. I immediately call the general.

"Hello?" Answers General Dalton in his normal work voice. "Hi, it's Jason, and I'm wondering if Captain Neville is going to be apart of the team you are sending with me? I responded. "He is on a mission right now, and I wasn't planning on sending him. Why?" Replied General Dalton. "I know he's on a mission, and the reason I asked is because someone is following me. And if they find him who knows what would happen." I say with a sigh. "Also I haven't talked to him, in at least three weeks, not since we had that fight." I quickly added before the General could say anything. As soon as I was done talking, the General replied.

"Well Ok. I'll see what I can do on my end, but if you are going to be working together then I really think that you need to call and talk to him so you know where you guys stand. Well I better get back to work as I am still trying to deal with the mess that showed up this morning. I'll talk to you later." I was just about to reply when the sound of the call ending reached my ears. At this I put my truck in drive and headed to finish the rest of my errands. When I was done with what I needed to do so that I was ready for the assignment.

I headed to General Dalton's house to get the stuff he needed, and to let his family know that he was ok and that he should be back home tonight, as he couldn't call his family because of the situation that showed up at the office this morning. As soon as I had the stuff the General needed I headed back to the office. When I reached the office, I found that there weren't any parking spots so I pulled up in front of the building and quickly ran the stuff to him, so that I could get home and make sure that everything was in order. As I was leaving the office I made sure that I wasn't being followed and headed home.

When I got back home I quickly gathered up my stuff that I would need or want, also the stuff that I was going to bring to Kathy, then got on my computer to make sure that all the rest of my paperwork and documents were in order, so that no one would get suspicious about why I was gone or where. As soon as that was done, I found that it was almost dinner time so I decided to make a homemade dinner as it would probably be the last one I would get for a while.

I made one Katheryn's and my favorite dishes (homemade Garlic Chicken pizza). After dinner I made sure that everything was ready and in my truck, then got in the shower even though I had one this morning. As I was sure that I wouldn't have another one until I had made one when I got to where I was going. After the shower I got ready for bed, I was just about to fall asleep, when I remembered that I really should call Bryson, and make sure that everything was good. And that the argument we had had wasn't a problem and that we were still friends and could still work together.

I pulled out the sat phone that I had in my nightstand for just in case something happened or etc. And a secure phone call had to be made. I put in one of the 2 numbers that I had memorized and hit call. The phone only rang once when a deep, gruff, and annoyed voice answered the phone. "Go." "Well hello to you too." I replied with a smile forming on my face. "I see that you're still as happy as ever." At this there was a pause, for what seemed like forever but was really only a minute or two. "Jason? Is that you?" Said Bryson after the silence in a bland emotionless voice.

With this I quickly sobered and replied in the affirmative. I knew that when we talked it would most likely take a while and most of it had to be done face to face. So I quickly apologized for my part in our fight and let him know that General Dalton would most likely be giving him a call. And he replied in kind and apologized also for his part in the fight, then thanked me for the heads up about the General. We then made plans to finish talking when we next saw each other so that we didn't have this problem of not talking to each other in the future.

After that we quickly said our good byes and told each other to be careful, as the reason we were ending the call so soon was because he was just about to head into a difficult situation. When the call was ended I put the phone on the top of my nightstand so that I wouldn't forget it and the new solar battery packs that I had gotten today for it. Also a neat feature that I really liked about this type of sat phone was that if there was no satellites or you were unable to make a phone call the sat phone could be used as a walkie-talkie or radio. However you put it. I then climb into bed and was almost out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning I was up before my alarm and was just finishing getting dressed when it went off. As soon I was ready for the day I gathered up the rest of my supplies and packed it all in my truck, then made me some breakfast. I then made sure that there weren't anything that would go bad and took out the trash. With everything done. I sat down to my breakfast. After I ate I got in my truck and headed to the Air Force Base that the time ship would be taking off from. This Base is one of the most guarded secrets of the military, and the only other person besides the few military personnel who was the president.

And even he didn't know most of what was going on here, and apparently he didn't want to know. So that our enemies couldn't use it against us. When I pulled up to the assigned parking spots Captain Stiller was there waiting for me so that he could help take all the stuff I had to the ship, then take my truck to a secret garage that the military had for the vehicles of those that are sent on these kind of assignments.

Everything was out of my truck and I had the last few items in my arms, when a decked out and jacked up diesel durmax pulled up beside me, and Bryson jumped out of the driver seat. At seeing him I quickly took the rest of my stuff to the ship and went to help him with his stuff. It took us and Captain Stiller about four trips to have all his stuff on the ship.

The ship looked like the mix of a C130 and the Lockheed SR71 Black Bird. So that if any civilians happened to see it then they wouldn't ever question it.

When we had everything loaded and were all settled in, the pilot Colonel Steven Fredricks got us taxiing. After about ten minutes or so we were taking off. We were in the air for about 30 minutes, when the jump happened, as the ship had to get up the right amount of speed. When we jumped the reflection shields were activated so that we wouldn't be seen by the people on the ground, and because it was night time Colonel Fredricks was able to set the ship down on a deserted stretch of beach that was big enough for the ship to take off.

After the ship came to a stop we got everything off before morning with the help of the Colonel. As soon as we had everything off, the ramp was closed and the ship left for 2014 again. As soon as the ship was gone, the men and women who were also sent on this mission gathered around me as I was the highest ranking officer in our small group. When everyone was gathered I found that I had a platoon of about 80 or so men and women. Consisting of 4 Captains, 8 Lieutenants, 68 NCOs, 16 Sargents of different rank, 26 Corporals, and 26 PFCs.

When I found out how many soldiers I had I then split them into 4 squads. 1 Captain, 2 Lieutenants, 4 Sargents, 6 Corporals, and 6 PFCs. There were a couple extra soldiers so I split them up evenly with 2 of the squads getting a 7th Corporal and the other 2 getting a 7th Private. When I had the squads organized I put each one of the squads on a different task so that we could get everything off the beach before dawn. When everything was in the trees, we found a clearing to set up camp. As soon as our camp was set up, I sent each of the squads in all four directions of the compass, to make sure that we were alone for at least 5 miles.

When they were all gone to scout I pulled out the last picture that I had taken of Kathy and sat on one of the big crates for equipment and looked at it, while thinking of what it would be like to see her again. This thought alone set my heart to fluttering, and butterflies to fill my stomach. It was about 15 minutes or so when the squads came back just as they had left, because if anything had happened they would have radio in. As soon as they returned I asked. "Anything that we should be cautious about?" At this each squad reported that there was no one around for five miles or more.

So I instructed them to bed down as I wasn't sure when we would get another chance. As the squads we settling down I also found my bedroll and went to sleep. I had only been asleep for what seemed like only seconds, but after looking at my watch was 3 ½ hours when I suddenly came awake, so I listened to see if I could tell what had awaken me. I quickly and quietly reached over to the soldier closest to me and had just set my hand on their shoulder to nudge them awake, when they touched my hand back to let me know that they too were also awake and aware. With this I found that all of the soldiers were awake and aware. But were moving so slowly and quietly as not to let whoever was out there know that we were aware.

After about five minutes of slowly maneuvering the all of the soldiers closest to the trees were able to slip away unnoticed so that they could investigate what had waken us up. They had been gone for maybe 5 minutes when we heard another branch or stick snap. At hearing this I quickly and quietly slipped my hand under my rucksack that I had used as pillow where I had put my guns and combat knifes. I almost grabbed one of my guns, but decided against it and grabbed my knifes as it would be quiter if we are attacked, and not draw anymore attention to us.

After about fifteen minutes the soldiers who had slipped away came back dragging two unconscious and hogtied rough looking men who were dressed in scarlet red coats. The reason they looked so rough was because they had been tackled to the ground and were covered in the dried and dead leaves that had fallen the fall before as it was May and the green was growing again.

The hogtied men were placed in the center of our camp near the main fire that was used for cooking. There were a few smaller fires but they were scattered around to help ward off the cold. We had just started to settle down and stock up the fires, when they (the British soldiers) started to come to. The younger one who looked to be no older than sixteen, was the first to wake up and comprehend that they had been taken prisoner. While they were unconscious I had us all change into the colonial clothes that we had brought so that we weren't in our uniforms when they regained consciousness, and see that we didn't belong in this time period.

Bryson was the first to notice that they were coming to, as he was standing beside the fire. When he noticed, he motioned for me to come over to him, and as Captain Destiny and Lieutenant James Talon (Sister and brother) were talking with me they came over also. As soon as we approached them, I immediately asked. "Who are you, and why are you here? Where did you come from?" At hearing this the scared young teenage boy started stammering and sputtering in an English accent.

"I I I a a am P P Private G G George A A Allen R R Robert S S Stanford, of His Majesty's Dragoons. And we were here so that we could fill our waterskins, then head back to our troop as this is the closest spring to where we are camped for the night. We are heading towards Boston as we were ordered there. As there has been some uprising from most of citizens of Boston, Against his His Majesty." "Well if that is the case then I think that we will let you go, but if we ever see you again or you follow us we will kill you. Do you understand?" I said "Yes sir." Croaked the teen even more scared.

While this was going on the older man who was also a prisoner still hadn't woken up so I left them still hogtied and pulled Bryson and the Talons' away from them so that we could talk quietly without being overheard.

Then motioned for the rest of my officers to come over, so that we could discuss our options. "Do any of you have a problem with me letting them go, as long as they don't follow us or we don't run into them again? I think it would work if we blindfold them so they can't see where we are and the equipment that we have, then walk them back towards the road but farther away from where their troop is camped so that when they get back, it will look like they got lost and fell and were knocked unconscious, that's why they were late getting back." I asked.

All of my officers thought that it was a good idea, but added and changed a few things so that the British soldiers wouldn't be able to find us. And we could leave in a few days. With everything done and planned, Bryson and his squad was selected for the mission. When the squad had the 2 British soldiers were gone, I told everyone else to get some more sleep, but also set up guards on a watch, that would change every two hours. So that we didn't have another situation like this. Then crawled back into my bedroll and went to sleep. The next thing I knew it was morning and the birds were singing in the trees, and a few of the soldiers were awake and getting breakfast for everyone.