Thrilling Counter Kill

When faced with such a dangerous situation, the viewers in Lin Ye's stream were sweating in his place.

"Eh, a 98K versus an M416 in close combat. This game is over. Smug Streamer is going to become a death crate on landing." 

"Yeah, I was looking forward to his performance, I didn't think that before it even began, it would end."

"Hey, that is enough. Are you watching a live stream or are you getting a painless abortion at Sunlight Female Hospital?"

"The other player reloaded already. The streamer is going to have to wait for the next airplane."

"He doesn't even have time to aim down his scope. There's no doubt that he's good at using the 98K, but he's just too smug as a person."

"Yeah, if he listened to us and looked for a vehicle so that he could go into the wilderness, he wouldn't be dying in School so early on."

Quite a few viewers were prepared to watch Lin Ye turn into a death crate soon after landing. After all, from the look of things, this gunfight meant certain death for him. 

However, Lin Ye wasn't panicking at all when he looked at the white male Harley Quinn charging at him.

He crouched down and leaned out from the left.

Lin Ye held down the right mouse button as his character in the game got into the standard shooting position without using a scope.

The next moment, the white crosshairs on the center of his screen locked onto the head of the white male Harley Quinn.


Sparks ignited from the barrel of the 98K.


The M416 also spat fire and shot bullets, refusing to show any sign of weakness.

This was close-range combat, bullets versus bullets.

The next moment, the 7.62mm and the 5.56mm bullets passed by each other in the air and let out a suppressive howl.


Blood sprayed from the head of the white male Harley Quinn.

Two black bullet markings appeared on Lin Ye's chest as well. The impact of the bullet halted his body for a moment.

The next moment, a kill message appeared on the upper right corner of the screen.

"Linye headshotted zaoyinvluyi5656 with Kar98K."  

In a close-range gunfight, one bullet was all it took.

When the white male Harley Quinn fell, blood sprayed out from Lin Ye's body as well. However, after the kill, his health bar did not change at all. It was still completely full at 100 HP.

This strange occurrence caused a wave of doubts in his chat.

"Damn! The Streamer got hit but didn't lose any health, what's going on?

"My god, Smug Streamer, you really are cheating. You're locking the health bar with a cheat. I'm so disappointed in you."

"Shitty streamer, you are feeling a momentary thrill from cheating, but your family will get incinerated."

"That's right, I can't believe that I looked up to your 98K play. It was all just cheats."

"Cheating Streamer, just sit and wait until your stream gets permabanned."

For an instant, Lin Ye's stream did a full 180 as many viewers began bashing him for using cheats. They were far less harmonious than before.

From their point of view, Lin Ye was cheating for sure since his health bar didn't drop a single point after he was hit by bullets. The viewers were naturally aggressive towards cheaters.

Lin Ye glanced at the chat and shook his head helplessly while saying, "You guys really are backseat gamers who only watch streams but don't play. Don't you understand why my health bar didn't drop?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the chat's tempo suddenly changed. Many viewers were questioning his words with bullet comments, but more viewers seemed to have come to a realization.

"Ahem, I'll teach everyone a lesson so that you won't embarrass yourselves again." Lin Ye paused and continued to explain, "In PUBG, the damage is calculated eight times every second. In other words, the damage is calculated once every 0.125 seconds."

"So, if a player dies, the damage dealt within 0.125 seconds of death is not counted."

"That was why my health didn't drop despite me being hit."

Lin Ye explained patiently because the viewers questioning him were mostly his long-time fans and he recognized some of their names.

So, that was why Lin Ye didn't want his true fans to misunderstand him.

Everyone in the stream was speechless...

Were there any casual streamers more professional than him?

"Smug Streamer is right; I've encountered this situation quite a lot. When sniping, we clearly headshotted each other, but I was the only player who died."

"Mhm, a lot of professional players have explained this concept before, but they didn't explain it as professionally as the Streamer did."

"Ah, I get it, I get it. I feel like I've been playing the game wrong this whole time."

"Hey, all of you who accused him of cheating, come out here and apologize."

"That's right, I always thought that someone with Smug Streamer's stinky personality would never cheat…"

In an instant, all of the bad mouthing bullet comments disappeared. His supporters immediately filled the chat.

[Too Stupid Too Cool gifted the streamer 9999 fishballs]

[Mister Bai Yehua gifted the streamer one airplane]

[Madrid's M gifted the streamer one rocket]


After Lin Ye expertly explained everything, many viewers started giving him gifts. Some of them gifted him out of guilt for bad-mouthing him earlier, and some others couldn't keep themselves from gifting him after watching his amazingly skillful play.

After the straight counter kill, Lin Ye didn't linger in the auditorium on the first floor. He quickly sprinted to a room on the second floor, preparing to search for necessary resources.

After all, hurried footsteps were still sounding out from within School. There were still many surviving players, so if Lin Ye wanted to make it out of here alive, he had to play safe and tread carefully.

He entered a small room.

Before he entered, Lin Ye didn't have high hopes. However, he was shocked by the ground full of rich resources the instant he entered.

A level 2 helmet, a level 3 vest, a level 3 backpack, a 6x scope, an AKM, an AR quickdraw magazine, a muzzle compensator, and a holographic sight...

A few seconds later, Lin Ye suddenly had a suppressed 98K with a 6x scope, a fully equipped and silenced AKM, and the highest level vest and backpack. Other than missing a level 3 helmet that only appeared in airdrops, his equipment set was almost completed.

In the last game, Lin Ye had quite luxurious equipment after searching only one barn at Prison. In this round, it was even more extreme. Searching a single room on the second floor of the main school building gave him godlike equipment to start this game with.

"My luck is way too good…" Lin Ye muttered to himself from suspicion.

After searching this room, he went to the room next door.

The results were...

As soon as he entered, he found a floor full of supplies!

Two first aid kits, three bottles of energy drinks, and two sets of 60 round 7.62mm bullets.

He looked in the next room.

Three first aid kits, two adrenaline syringes, a bottle of painkillers, and three frag grenades.

In the next room.

Four sets of 120 round 7.62mm bullets, three bottles of energy drinks, and two bottles of painkillers.

After searching only four small rooms in a short amount of time, Lin Ye's level 3 backpack was almost full!