I’m a Godslayer Today

That was a player with a level 2 helmet and an M416. When he peeked out, the red dot sight on his M416 was turned on and his crosshairs locked onto Lin Ye.

However, Lin Ye's reaction was faster.

He turned and halted.

Then, he raised his gun and aimed.

The 98K in Lin Ye's hand suddenly swung as the crosshairs of the 6x scope locked onto this player's head accurately.

His fingertips trembled, pulling the trigger.


A single 7.62mm bullet zoomed from the barrel of the gun, and the next moment, a mist of blood bloomed from that player's level 2 helmet.

"Linye killed allluuuu with Kar98K."

Lin Ye instantly located that player and put a bullet through his head.

Twelve kills!

He was the school bully! 

Lin Ye's instant snipe made all the viewers in his stream gasp out in surprise.

"This smug streamer pulled out his gun way too fast!"

"Damn, right as I saw the shadow appear from the window, he was headshotted?"


"I feel like Smug Streamer's vibe completely changed after he stopped streaming movies!" 

"I'm a 12-kill school bully; I rampaged through the entire School with just a 98K. Let me ask you this; are you scared yet?"

"This streamer's 98K is so accurate. I feel like he should be able to hold his own against Sniper King Baixiao."

"Awesome, awesome, awesome! Everyone, please stand up! Stand up and applaud!"

Lin Ye smiled and said in an indifferent tone, "These are just basic mechanics. Don't be so excited; sit down, sit down."

However, Lin Ye's so-called "basic mechanics" only riled up the atmosphere of the live stream...

After all, such a dashing 98K kill was too stunning in the eyes of the viewers on the stream; it wasn't basic at all!

After killing 12 players in a row, Lin Ye's hands were hot to the point of burning. He took out the 98K again and charged towards the water tower in between School and Rozhok.

It was the tallest point in a 500-meter radius, had an open view, and was especially beneficial for a sniper's performance.

Therefore, Lin Ye decided to head there and completely clear out all of the Bear Defenders in this area.

At the same time, Lin Ye's streak of dazzling 98K headshots scared many of the surviving players in this game into hiding in corners and shaking in fear.

"Eh, that's too unlucky. This is my first time playing solo in a while, and I ran into a god. Damn it."

"Who is this Linye? His 98K is too terrifying!" 

"Screw you, these young folks don't even try to hide the fact that they are cheating. He really headshotted everyone!"

"I'm going to hole up somewhere for now and see if any brave warriors can put this god-like Linye down…"

Many players saw Linye's headshot kill notifications popping up continuously in the upper right corner of their screens. They all looked stunned, but inside, they were incredibly terrified and concerned.

In this game, they didn't only have the Bear Defenders, but also a cheating god?

One shot, one shot, one shot...

Headshot, headshot, headshot...

Look at that animal-like 98K! Every time he fired, he headshotted. Who could stand up against that?


On the other hand.

Next to the barn on top of Rozhok's hill, Little Bear, in a little white dress and a green helmet, was trying to reason with her fans. 

"Stop following me. If this continues, they're going to catch us and penalize us for teaming up illegally. Maybe when the game ends, all of us will be banned."

Little Bear's cutesy voice sounded in the public voice chat. Seven muscular Harley Quinns were standing next to her. It was clear that these people were her loyal fans, the so-called Bear Defenders.

"I know, I know, I just drove here to deliver your motorcycle. I'm leaving now."

"Little Bear, I gave you my green helmet. Please win this round."

"Yeah, yeah, Noob Bear, you haven't had a chicken dinner in two or three months. I can't watch it anymore."

"But, it might be hard to win this round. There's someone scary named Linye who keeps on refreshing the kill feed with his 98K."

"Uh, did we run into a god this game?"

The buff Harley Quinns all gossiped. Clearly, someone had noticed the name "Linye" crazily refreshing the kill notifications on the upper right corner.

"Eh, if Linye really is a cheating god, there is nothing we can do but accept defeat…" Little Bear pouted and said in a defeated tone.

At that time, many urgent bullet comments popped up on Little Bear's stream.

"Noob Bear, run! That Linye is at School, and he killed all of the Bear Defenders on his own."

"Really, every bullet that came out of his 98K was a headshot. We couldn't hold him."

"I died at School too! He's like a wolverine."

"It looks like he killed a dozen people at School. He could be coming towards Rozhok right now."

"That's right, Linye seems to be locking his health bar with a cheat. His health didn't drop at all after I hit him with an M416."

As a passable steamer who had millions of popularity points, Little Bear was naturally paying attention to the bullet comments in the chat on her stream to ensure audience participation and the right amount of interactions. So, Little Bear saw those bullet comments right as they popped up. 

"Linye, that headshot god… He's at School?" Little Bear was appalled. Her beautiful and alluring face was filled with shock.


Other than the building complexes beside School, the closest big resource location to School was where she was located, Rozhok. 

In other words, Little Bear was in the attack range of the God "Linye". She could perish at any moment!

"Ehhhhhh... This is over… This is over for sure…" Little Bear almost began weeping on her stream. Clearly, at this moment, she was already seeing herself as a death crate.

"Little Bear, don't be scared. There are eight of us. Even if Linye comes, we might not lose for sure."

"That's right, I have an 8x scope on my M24. If he dares to show up, I will snipe him in an instant."

"Haha, he's nothing but a cheater. We'll rush him together; we're not afraid of cheaters." 

"That's right, we'll win even if we only fire one bullet each."

"Goddess, don't worry. We'll protect you."

That seven Bear Defenders all had decent equipment. They had high-level scopes and sniper rifles, so they were very confident that if that "Linye" was brave enough to show up, they could brutally slaughter him and mutilate his corpse.


Let's see if he will dare to cheat in the future!

Thinking that they would soon show off their smart and powerful sides to their goddess Little Bear, these Harley Quinns all felt confident and proud to the point of laughing out loud.

"Really?" Little Bear blinked and asked expectantly.

"Of course!" a few of the more skilled Bear Defenders patted their chests and promised.

"Yay, I, Dom Bear, am going to be a godslayer!" Little Bear exclaimed in excitement as she jumped up and down with a green helmet on her head and an SKS on her back.

Slaying a cheating god was the dream of every PUBG player. If they could succeed in god-slaying, they would have something to brag about.

So, at that moment, the normally "pacifist" Little Bear began to feel restless.



Dom Bear.  

She was going to slay the god named "Linye".

Godslayer, godslayer.

Now was the moment to claim her fame and glory.