Is this a Wallhack?

The four Bear Defenders wanted to close in on Lin Ye, but they didn't know that Lin Ye was waiting for them underneath the water tower for a while now.

The massacre began right after they reached the open road where no buildings were covering them.

When they were in range, the scope of the 98K flipped on.

Right after, Lin Ye lightly pulled the trigger.

Then, he pulled the bolt and ejected the shell.

One bullet, one headshot.


The incredibly accurate 98K had a chillingly suppressive aura, scaring all others.

Sixteen kills!

Seventeen kills!

Eighteen kills!

Nineteen kills!

At this moment, Lin Ye's kill count quickly rose.

After becoming the school bully, he cleared out all the Bear Defenders at Rozhok too. Nineteen kills. Nineteen insane kills.

Other than killing two players with a frag grenade, the rest were done by Lin Ye using his 98K.

Seventeen kills, seventeen headshots!

Since the beginning of the game, Lin Ye had landed almost every 98K shot. Every time he raised his gun, a blood rose bloomed in his scope's field of view.

His unbelievably terrifying accuracy silenced all of the viewers in his stream to the point where they couldn't form a single sentence for a while. 

"He already has 19 kills when the second zone just refreshed…"

"Smug Streamer is too strong today!"

After a moment, the bullet comments finally started popping up in Lin Ye's stream. The storm of "LOL" drowned out all the other comments. It was a spectacular and inspiring sight.


This 98K was too terrifying!

The other players were about to lose hope as they looked at "Linye" continuously refreshing the kill feed with his headshots.

"Where did this lunatic come from? Getting more than a dozen kills after landing... he must be a cheating god, right?"

Under the suppression of Lin Ye's terrifying 98K, the entire map fell into an eerie silence.

Nobody fired any shots, nobody drove any vehicles, and nobody made a sound...

Every single player trembled behind cover, afraid to make any noise that might bring "Linye" to their door.

In an instant, the only noise left on the map seemed to be the roar of the plane engine. This scene was incredibly uncanny.



Dead silence.

The last three Bear Defenders hiding at the building complexes beside School all had life-doubting looks on their faces and were unable to even make a sound.

Soon after they landed, they heard rowdy gunfire being exchanged at School and could barely make out the roar of a 98K. After that, everything fell silent.

Next, gunfire sounded from Rozhok, and then the familiar deadly silence followed again.

It seemed like the entire map quieted down when the 98K stopped roaring.

Chirp~ Chirp~ Chirp~

It was the soft sound of a cricket's call.

The remaining three Bear Defenders did not dare to relax, as their gun-holding hands were covered in droplets of cold sweat.


They were really scared.

Where did their group go?

When they were on the plane, the Bear Defenders agreed to meet at Rozhok. However, these three Harley Quinn players completely lost the courage to leave the building complexes beside School.

It was because a 98K Demon King was not far ahead of them.


He is too terrifying.

"Did we run into a god this round?" someone in the building complexes beside School questioned.

"Possibly; this Linye is so terrifying. Even if he isn't cheating, we can't win against him," someone said in a defeated tone.

"I just checked Little Bear's stream, and it looks like our Bear Defenders were completely decimated. We are the only three left…" The last player had the insight to check the stream for information.

"Let's hide. Maybe if the 98K Demon King leaves, we will still have the chance to reunite with Little Bear."

"That's right, the blue zone doesn't hurt now anyways. We can get through it with some basic medical items."

"Wait, wait, I see that Little Bear already escaped from Rozhok. She's heading in the direction of Shelter."

After a short discussion, the three players agreed to take the damage from the blue zone for two intervals at these building complexes beside School before moving elsewhere.


The next moment… 


From more than 100 meters away, a clear gunshot sounded.


That was the noise of glass shattering.

The next moment, a blood rose bloomed on the head of a Harley Quinn player as his health bar immediately dropped to zero.

"Linye headshotted YUIYUIYUI with Kar98K."

From the upper right corner of the screen, another familiar kill notification appeared.

"What? I was hiding in a room, so how did I get headshotted?" the player who had turned into a death crate yelled from shock.

"He... Where the hell is he?"

"Linye, that Linye is here!"

They were in rooms on the third floor of a building complex, and they were behind cover. They thought they were safe from harm, so when the first player was headshotted, the other two immediately panicked.

The next moment.


Another clear gunshot sounded.

After the sound, a blood rose sprayed out from another Harley Quinn player's head. He was put down with one headshot.

"Linye headshotted kuraki mai 989 with Kar98K."


Him again!

"Damn, this b*tch must be using a wallhack. We're done for," one of the players who got killed seemed to have understood something, so he loudly warned his fellow Bear Defender in the public voice chat.


However, before the last player had the chance to exclaim, his helmet exploded.


A single 7.62mm bullet accurately hit his head from more than 100 meters away.


Nobody talked.

Three rectangular death crates appeared in the rooms on the third-floor of a building complex beside School.




A dozen seconds later, the roaring of an engine became clear.

Lin Ye sped past the building complexes beside School in a jeep, charged up the hill, and rushed towards the interior of the safe zone.

As for the three players he had just headshot, he didn't care at all, as he only snatched those kills out of convenience.


He must kill the muscular Harley Quinn players.

Lin Ye disappeared in a cloud of dust. His 98K completely cleared out School, Rozhok, and anything behind him.

Twenty-two kills!

Twenty-two incredibly flamboyant 98K kills!

At that moment, there were 41 players left on the map.


On the other side.

On Little Bear's stream, the chat was heating up as they discussed Linye's cheats.


It turned out the Bear Defenders who tried to help their goddess secure her chicken dinner all came back to the stream and realized something upon chatting...

"Hey, Bro, you got headshot by Linye too?"

"What a coincidence, I was too!"

After a round of discussion, everyone came to the shocking realization that when they complained in this chat, they could find seven or eight comrades killed by "Linye".

After asking in detail...

It turned out that they were all headshotted! Wasn't that a coincidence?

Finally, the Bear Defenders realized they were all killed by the same person. It was that Linye, the 98K wielding headshotter.

The viewers of Little Bear's stream witnessed Lin Ye's insane performance from start to end.

He massacred School, headshotting a dozen players with just a terrifying life-seeking 98K.

He isn't fooling anyone! He has to be cheating to have gotten a near-perfect headshot rate.

"Ah… Is that Linye really a cheating god?" Looking at the dense bullet comments on her stream, Little Bear looked bitter. She was scared on the inside and felt like she had no hope of getting the chicken dinner.

"Yeah, I was headshotted through the wall at the building complex beside School."

"Right, Linye isn't only using a headshot aimbot, he's also using a wallhack. I couldn't fight him at all."

"Every shot was a headshot. You must be insulting my intelligence if you say he's not using cheats."

"Little Bear, you can't outgun a god like this. Find somewhere to hide…"

The Bear Defenders who were headshotted by Lin Ye all started talking in the stream by sending bullet comments. In their eyes, "Linye", the 98K Demon King, must have been hacking.

"Wallhack…" Little Bear pouted and said angrily, "How can I fight someone who is hacking? Why are people nowadays so despicable, using cheats in games."

Little Bear was a little pissed since she hadn't won a game in the past two to three months, and she finally got a chance to win this game today, but she ran into a hacking god. This was too tilting.

However, as soon as Little Bear finished speaking, more bullet comments popped up on her stream.

"Little Bear, Little Bear, that Linye is also a Douyu streamer. He got into the same game as you did."

"Noob Bear, don't accuse everyone of being a cheater. I looked at Lin Ye's stream just now; he's suspicious at most, but he's not outright cheating."

"Yeah, yeah, I looked too. That Lin Ye is very mechanically talented with the style of a top-level pro. He's too cool."

"This Lin Ye's 98K is too ruthless, almost every shot was a headshot. He looks like he could be better than Sniper King Baixiao."

At that moment, a lot of viewers were defending Lin Ye. They said that he was reliable and mechanically talented, and he shouldn't be cheating.

The people speaking in Lin Ye's favor were viewers of both streams. They observed Lin Ye's spectacular 98K performance closely, and even then, they couldn't find any traces of hacking.

"Linye… Lin Ye… He's a Douyu streamer too?" Little Bear curiously fluttered her pretty eyelashes and longingly said, "We're coworkers, so maybe I'll have a chance to get my chicken dinner after chatting with him~"

Little Bear was confident in her charm. After all, who was she?

If she ran into that Lin Ye later, she could make him carry her to victory through chatting. What a wonderful thought!

At that moment, the people defending Lin Ye began sending bullet comments in a gloating tone.

"Hahaha, Noob Bear, give up now. That Lin Ye said that he is going to hunt you down."

"That's right. At Rozhok, he said that an interesting hunt was about to begin, and you are the prey!"

"Lin Ye is coming. Little Bear, run!"

"A hunt, LOL. It looks like that little steamer isn't only versed in his 98K; he is also good at being pretentious."

Little Bear was speeding across a wheat field on her motorcycle when she saw the bullet comments. Her little hand immediately shook, and her character crashed into a tree beside the road.


A loud crashing noise sounded.

Her motorcycle began fuming as half of her health bar disappeared.

Little Bear's skillful tree-hitting play made all her viewers double over with laughter to the point where they were incapable of stopping.


She was so dumb.

"Ah? That Lin Ye is coming to hunt me down, no way…" Little Bear scrambled away from her smoking motorcycle as she said in a panicking tone while using her first aid kit in a hurry.

Lin Ye wouldn't even spare a weak and fragile girl like her...

Wasn't that just too ruthless?!