Little Rich Lady is Here

A white helmet and a dark brown level 3 military vest.

Lin Ye suddenly appeared in front of the broken Jeep when Little Bear shrieked out of despair. 

He raised his gun and aimed at her.

Little Bear and her green helmet were very clear inside his high level scope.

He locked onto the target and lightly pulling the trigger - 


Very soon, the familiar sound of the burst of a 98K rang, and the bullet went through Little Bear's head, with blood blooming like a flower. 

Since Little Bear had pathetically bombed and severely injured herself with the frag grenade, she obviously was not able to withstand the shot to the head by a 98K. Thus, her HP dropped to zero, and she was immediately shot dead.

"Linye headshotted xiaoxiongDDD with a Kar98K." 

One shot into the soul.

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

In the end, Lin Ye cleared the whole map and successfully secured the chicken dinner.

Instantaneously, his stream was filled with "666666" bullet comments, so many and dense that it filled the entire game screen.


Thirty-five kills in one game of PUBG.

Definitely marvelous.

It was exceptional even when professional gamers reached such an extravagant number of kills. So when Lin Ye was able to accomplish this act, the viewers in his stream were all shocked and looked astonished.

When did that Smug Streamer that streamed movies become so strong?!

This is like fantasy!

While Lin Ye's stream was extremely popular since he secured chicken dinner tonight, Little Bear's stream turned quietly and dim very quickly.

Before she could react, Lin Ye had killed her in a blink of an eye with one shot.

"You… you… you…" Little Bear stared into her monitor. She seemed to want to say something but stopped, and her face became depressed.

She was so close to winning but ultimately failed. Her dream was once again shattered by this game.

She lost the game. She couldn't secure the chicken dinner!

The most depressing thing that could happen to a PUBG player was losing to the ultimate winner and ending up losing the whole game.

If one lost to 99 people, then that person's skill was probably inferior. But if that person only lost to one person...


Extremely brutal!

Little Bear sat in front of the camera and looked as if she were about to cry. She looked depressed and didn't say a word for the longest time.

What about winning as long as I could escape from Shelter? What about gentlemanly manners? What about being honest…

Little Bear didn't expect that her dream of winning a game in PUBG was just a series of Lin Ye's well-thought-out traps.

Blowing up a Jeep and blocking the entrance...

How did that jerk think that up?

Too dirty. City folks play too dirty!

"Sigh. I beg you, please kill me…" Suddenly Lin Ye's voice sounded in a slightly mocking tone in the public voice chat. "All viewers, please be my witness as she begged me to shoot her. To be honest, no one has ever requested me to do such a thing."

Little Bear was speechless.

She was angry.

Very angry.

Hear that! Hear that people! Is that something a human being would say?!

"You jerk… You are so annoying!!" Little Bear angrily said in the public voice chat while fidgeting in front of the camera. "Liar! Lin Ye, you're a liar! You said as long as I get out of Shelter, you'd let me win!"

Who wouldn't be angry when a cooked duck flies away!

"Yeah, indeed," Lin Ye nodded and continued to say, "But you weren't able to escape from Shelter, no?"

"You also said you won't shoot me when I'm trying to run out of the blue zone!" Little Bear continued to fidget as she questioned him.

"You begged me to kill you just now. I am a gentleman, and I will fulfill a lady's request as long as it's reasonable," Lin Ye said with a smile.

"You…" Little Bear was even more depressed when she heard Lin Ye's words.

When he said it out loud, it makes sense, but why am I still so mad?!

"The hunt mission is over. I should also thank you for your gift. Maybe we shall meet again in the future," Lin Ye said graciously, which was rather rare for him to act such a way.

Of course, he would be excited because after killing Little Bear in game, he had completed his first one-star hunt mission.

That was why right after he finished his speech, Lin Ye directly closed the game to see the rare chest that he had anxiously been anticipating for. 

However, Lin Ye was shocked by the popularity of his stream when he closed the game.


After being so lucky and winning tonight, his stream's popularity had surpassed the 100,000 popularity points mark. And within the next three minutes, his stream had now reached the 150,000 popularity points mark.


The speed of how popular his stream grew was extremely outrageous.

It had to be noted that Lin Ye's stream was not recommended, so he was completely on his own!


"So lucky! Smug Streamer beating Little Bear tonight was truly spectacular!" 

"Hahaha, Noob Bear must be very angry right now.""

"Oh my God! This streamer's 98K was so brutal. Thirty-five kills in one game of PUBG; I'm officially his fan!" 

"Splendid! Splendid! Why didn't I find such a monster-level streamer before?"

"If someone's not this cruel, he wouldn't be able to remain in his position! The streamer's 35 kills in one game of PUBG is truly incredible. This is basically catching up to Sniper King Baixiao's record in China from a few weeks ago."

"Yeah, yeah. Sniper King Baixiao is still gloating about his 36 kills in one game of PUBG. It should be reasonable for Smug Streamer to gloat about his 35 kill game of PUBG, right?"

"Reasonable. Definitely reasonable…"

The bullet comments on his screen were as crazy and fast as a tsunami, inundating Lin Ye's stream. Undeniably, his 35 kill game of PUBG was so overwhelming to watch that many of his viewers got goosebumps from it.

It was shocking and passionate, arousing one's emotions.

Especially in the end when Lin Ye was in Shelter with his final move of capturing the bear, Lin Ye's play made his stream incredibly popular. Even many of Little Bear's fans who watched his stream and Little Bear's stream simultaneously were laughing so hard that they felt like they were going to pass out.

It was strange how they were truly fans of Little Bear, but when they saw their goddess lose, they still felt very happy.

Truly happy.

Happiness from the bottom of their hearts.

[.mm gifted the streamer one super rocket.]

[Moran, My Half Glorious Life gifted the streamer one super rocket.]

[Chami gifted the streamer one super rocket.]

[Patient gifted the streamer one super rocket.]


A huge crazy wave of gifts.

Not only those who used to watch Lin Ye's stream, but also many of Little Bear's fans started giving Lin Ye gifts.

Super rockets.

Many rockets lifted off to space, boosting Lin Ye's stream's popularity up high again.

90,000… 100,000, 120,000, 150,000...

Going up and continuing going up crazily.

All the gifted super rockets lifted up to the sky, creating the final wave of gift-gifting.

[LV100 King user: Orange Soda, has now entered the stream.]

The gold tag attracted everyone's attention.

Many viewers of Lin Ye's stream went silent when they saw that notification, recalling that familiar name.

The next moment, a massive wave of rockets lifted.

[Orange Soda gifted the streamer ten super rockets.]

[Orange Soda gifted the streamer ten super rockets.]

[Orange Soda gifted the streamer ten super rockets.]

[Orange Soda gifted the streamer ten super rockets.]

[Orange Soda gifted the streamer ten super rockets.]

A massive wave.

A truly massive wave was here.

Fifty super rockets lifted into the sky simultaneously, uplifting the atmosphere of Lin Ye's stream and creating even more chaos amongst his stream's bullet comments.




A screen dense of 666's appeared , almost completely covering the monitor.

All the white numbers on the screen went flying by crazily.

The super rocket was Douyu's most expensive gift. One super rocket was 2,000 Fish Fins, which was worth 2,000 yuan.

Such a price in real life was like 80% of business. With 50 super rockets, each worth 2,000 Shark Fins, the total added up to 100,000 Fish Fins! That was 100,000 yuan!

In one short minute, a rich heir had come to Lin Ye's stream and released a wave of super rockets without even a blink of an eye.

On Douyu, whenever someone gifted a super rocket, a notification would pop up on everyone's stream. Those who were interested could press and enter the stream that had the super rocket gifted.

That was why when the 50 super rockets were released in Lin Ye's stream, many viewers in different sections came to his stream, wanting to grab red pockets and Fish Balls since streamers would give out gifts to the viewers as well to boost their popularity.

[TL Note: One Fish Ball is equal to a hundredth of one yuan, like one cent is a hundredth to a dollar.]

And so, his popularity exploded.

Completely exploded.

100,000… 200,000… 300,000… 400,000...

This time, Lin Ye's stream jumped by 100,000, increasing at an exaggerated rate. This was never seen or heard of before.

"That many super rockets?" Lin Ye watched the super rockets go up in his stream, with his eyes full of surprise.

Fifty super rockets indicated 100,000 RMB worth of gifts.

Who is this Orange Soda?!