Opening a Rare Chest

Very soon after Little Bear spoke, a few of her administrators sent her screenshots of Orange Soda gifting super rockets to Lin Ye in his stream.

When Little Bear clicked open those screenshots, her dreams were destroyed.

She is helping the enemy! She is really helping the enemy!!!


Not only was Orange Soda the no.1 rich heir donor in Little Bear's stream, but she was also her best friend of many years. But...

Little Bear just fell for Lin Ye's trap, and now her best friend was boosting her enemy's stream's popularity by giving him super rockets. Why would she do that?!


"What… what…" Little Bear looked like a resentful woman as she angrily said, "Baby Orange, Baby Orange, I misjudged you! I never expected you to betray me with those big eyes and thick brows of yours!!!"

Howl! Howl! Howl!

Little Bear waved the stuffed hammer in her hand so brisk that she made the sound of the wind.

"Baby Orange, Baby Orange, how can you cheat on me? This is betrayal! Betrayal!!"

Little Bear frowned.

Little Bear's pretty face was now squashed together as she angrily waved her stuffed hammer. Her audience were all laughing at her face, which now looked like a resentful abandoned woman.

"Ahahahaha… popularity attracting technique, popularity attracting technique. Lin Ye was able to get rich this time."

"Yeah, you should let go of President Orange soon. Hahaha!"

"President Orange chose through the comparison of skills. She realized that your techniques weren't adequate and chose Lin Ye over you. Shouldn't you learn from Lin Ye's techniques now?"

"I beg you guys not to add salt to her wounds, or else I'm going to laugh so hard that I'll die. Hahahaha."

In a very short period of time, Little Bear's stream was filled with a happy atmosphere. Her audience were delighted from seeing how sad Little Bear was.

They were Schrodinger's viewers in Little Bear's stream; regardless of whether Little Bear was happy or not, her viewers were happy.

Extremely happy!

"Does Baby Orange like that guy's technique?" Little Bear asked. Her expression was still sad and angry, but she wasn't actually feeling angry. Instead, she rationally thought about the problem.

She was able to accept Orange Soda sending gifts to Lin Ye in his stream. It was just the thought of that that made her angry, and yet she was not truly angry. Lin Ye overall seemed like a nice guy with a good personality, though she didn't like him and found him a little annoying. 

Just now, she was pretending to be angry so she could get the entertainment effect in her stream. After all, an entertainment streamer like her, who didn't truly have any real skills, needed to develop these areas to be able to get to the No.1 female streamer position that she was in today. 

What made Little Bear curious was why would Baby Orange, who was not interested in any other Douyu streamer, suddenly become interested in Lin Ye?

It is strange indeed!


- Meanwhile - 

In Lin Ye's stream, the bullet comments were still flooding in like a tsunami.

The sixty super rockets and 35 kills in one game of PUBG together made his viewers so hyped that many of them felt like breaking out in dance.

However for some time, Lin Ye did not participate in this party. After explaining to his viewers on his stream, he muted his microphone.


It was because in his brain, he heard a continuous, non-stop series of System announcements in an icy tone.


"Host, congratulations on securing the chicken dinner. You have received [one normal chest]. Upon opening, you may receive 10,000 to 50,000 yuan as a reward."

"One-star hunt mission: In this game, you have completed the mission of killing Douyu's beautiful streamer, Little Bear."

"You have received the reward of one rare chest."

"Do you want to open the chest?"


Once Lin Ye heard this, his eyes naturally released a beam of light.


Amongst the two chests, there was one that was a rare chest!

The next moment, Lin Ye saw two chests in his mind.

One of them looked like an old wooden chest that looked exactly the same as the ordinary chest he received before.

The other chest was smaller than the ordinary chest, but in the lock area, there were three shining sapphires that were dazzling and brilliant.

This chest with the three sapphires on it was obviously the rare chest that he received after accomplishing his one-star hunt mission.

"Open chest!" Lin Ye chose with no hesitation. He was filled with anticipation and couldn't wait to open it.


"Opening ordinary chest: you receive 50,000 yuan."

Lin Ye had already expected the 50,000 yuan as it was the top reward that an ordinary chest would give.

Next up...

Was what he was truly looking forward to.

Rare chest!

Click! Click! Click!

The sound of machinery moving came out as the rare chest finally opened.

Silver light shone as the chest opened. Immediately, the silver light filled Lin Ye's mind.

The next moment, the silver light disappeared, and the icy cold tone of the System announcement sounded again.


"Opening rare chest: you received one million yuan."

"Congratulations, Host. You received the Demon King Talent, [Bullet Time]."

"[Bullet Time]: Within the game, as long as the Host uses a sniper rifle, he can initiate this talent. He can simultaneously aim while slowing down time, making the game operate as if it is in slow motion. This will allow the Host to have more time to aim and shoot. Please be aware that at the current stage, Bullet Time will only last three seconds with each use, and the cooldown is ten minutes."


Demon King Talent, Bullet Time.

After hearing that, Lin Ye's breathing suddenly stopped for a second as he was thrilled and excited.

The first Demon King Talent he received, [Sniper Rifle Mastery], was truly incredible. From the looks of it, the second Demon King Talent he received, [Bullet Time] was going to be exceptional too.

Slowing down time would allow Lin Ye to be in a very advantageous position when faced with top tier snipers.

Victory amongst truly exceptional snipers would be taken in a moment's time. With the same accurate aim, the chance of victory would be much higher when one could shoot faster.

However, he did not have any combat experience with the new Demon King Talent [Bullet Time] yet, so Lin Ye wasn't sure how powerful it was.

After accomplishing this one-star hunt mission of killing Little Bear and securing the chicken dinner, Lin Ye continued his winning strike, earning lots and lots of money.

Putting aside this new Demon King Talent [Bullet Time] and just counting the prize money of 1,050,000 yuan he received, it was a huge sum!!

The ordinary chest gave him 50,000 yuan.

The rare chest gave him one million yuan.

With the five rounds of good luck from the System as a newcomer gift pack, Lin Ye could receive the top tier award from each chest. That was why Lin Ye could receive the highest prize money of one million yuan from this one rare chest.

Buzz! Buzz!

His phone started vibrating.

Lin Ye looked forward to seeing the news, so he picked up the phone that was set aside.

It was indeed a text message from the China Construction Bank saying that money had been deposited.

"[China Construction Bank] 1,050,000.00 has been deposited into your account ending in 4178. The balance is 1,100,000.00."

The prize money from the ordinary chest and the rare chest was deposited at the same time into Lin Ye's bank account, and his account balance surpassed the one million mark and reached 1.1 million.


Absolutely marvelous!

Lin Ye had been able to turn from dead poor to a millionaire in only a few hours time.

It's a miracle!

An unbelievable miracle!!!