The God With the Speed Hack

Killing one Little Bear was equivalent to a rare chest, which could potentially reward him with a million yuan. This kind of odds was even better than the lottery. It was enthralling, and of course, Lin Ye had become addicted to it as well.

After finishing the hunt mission of killing Little Bear in the last game, Lin Ye was able to instantaneously turn from a broke man to a millionaire.

Turning rich overnight was that easy. 

Lin Ye felt safer once he saw more digits in his bank account. Things might not be as terrible as he once thought. The awakening of the Demon King System might be God giving him a chance to redeem himself and thrive.

After going through some setbacks in life, Lin Ye viewed money and power as fleeting things. The only thing in a person's life that is as valuable as diamonds was hope.

Although hope wasn't as shiny or heavy as gold, Lin Ye would choose hope when faced with picking one over the other, either hope in love or hope in life..

After a short moment of excitement, Lin Ye calmed down from all the emotions. He returned to his stream and focused his energy on the next game.

Lin Ye had a hypothesis that needed to be tested through playing more games. He thought that bumping into the beautiful streamer Little Bear and triggering the hunt mission was not a coincidence but rather predetermined.

Lin Ye thought that the hunt missions the System published might be linked to how famous the players who he encountered were.

The logic to this hypothesis was simple. Killing normal players didn't trigger any rewards, and winning by securing the chicken dinner only gave him ordinary chests. Then why did a hunt mission get triggered when he encountered Little Bear?

No matter how much he thought, he concluded that it had something to do with Little Bear's popularity. It shouldn't have anything to do with her pretty internet celebrity face.

- Meanwhile - 

After a short wait, Lin Ye soon entered a new game.

In this game, he also chose the solo mode. Since he didn't have any teammates, no teammate display was shown on his screen.

Lin Ye didn't run around but rather stayed where he was, patiently counting down the start of the game.

The spawn area of the game was in the wilderness outside Prison. There were quite a lot of players around him, but he didn't hear the sounds of "Gucci, Gucci, Prada, Prada", so he knew that there wouldn't be Little Bear and her army of Bear Defenders running around like a train.

Looks like my luck this time isn't that great. I didn't bump into Little Bear… Lin Ye mumbled to himself. He was rather disappointed that he didn't bump into a fat lamb this time.

Although no hunt mission was triggered, Lin Ye would still obtain an ordinary chest after winning. Since he still had the buff from the newcomer starter pack, he would get the maximum amount of 50,000 yuan per chest, which was not bad.

People would fight for the opportunity of getting 50,000 yuan in prize money for winning one game of PUBG if they learned about it on the street.

I can earn money by securing the chicken dinner. Who said guys aren't as good as girls when it comes to making money from playing games?!

Very soon, the top right corner showed that 96 players had arrived, and the flight countdown soon started.

60 seconds… 59 seconds… 58 seconds...

One boring minute of waiting.

So while he was waiting, Lin Ye started boasting and chatting with his viewers in his stream.

After the Little Bear hunt mission and obtaining 35 kills in one game, his stream's popularity skyrocketed. With the 60 super rockets from the little rich lady, Orange Soda, he was able to surpass the one million popularity points mark. 

However, when super rockets were donated to his stream, there were many new viewers who weren't going to stick around. Many came just to get the fish ball gift sets and left afterwards. Of course, there were many viewers that stayed to watch how good this PUBG streamer was.

After some ups and downs in his popularity, it settled around the 700,000 points mark. Although his popularity dropped down from the one million points mark, 700,000 was still an impressive number.

Especially when one hour ago, he was just an idle streamer that only had 20,000 popularity points. He had transformed from a Magikarp to a Gyrados in just two games. Very impressive indeed.

[TL Note: For those who don't know Pokemon, Magikarp is a crappy fish pokemon that evolves into Gyrados, which is a really strong Water/Flying type pokemon]

If Lin Ye could keep the new viewers after this game, then his stream would truly transform from a sparrow into a phoenix.

Lin Ye stood at the tower outside Prison. There was a road running east-west right below him, and he faced a wide wheat field in the front.

45 seconds… 44 seconds… 43 seconds.

Just when Lin Ye was getting bored of waiting, he suddenly saw a player in a white T-shirt dashing on the highway in front of him as if he just saw a piece of Stride. In the blink of an eye, he had run for more than 100 meters. The crazy speed was ridiculous, just like a motorcycle at full speed.

One flash, another flash, and then another flash.

That player's speed was so fast that it looked like he was flashing continuously on the road. It would seem like that player teleported with each blink, as he appeared ten meters away every time someone opened their eyes. It did not look normal.

In PUBG, the full speed of sprinting for a player was around seven meters per second, but this player in the white T-shirt had a speed of over 70 meters per second!

This was not normal.

This player obviously was a cheater who was using the speed hack; all the movement patterns were irrefutable evidence.


When Lin Ye saw how abnormally fast this player was going, he furrowed his brows. He was 90 percent confident that this player in the white T-shirt was probably a cheating god who had a speed hack on.

With the appearance of this speed hack god, Lin Ye's stream's bullet comments started hyping up.

"Hahaha, karma! Because Smug Streamer tortured my goddess, Little Bear, just now, he now has to face a speed hack god in this game. Good will always be rewarded while evil will always be punished."

"Impressive. In front of a speed hack god, I'm going to wait to see the streamer die and turn into a crate as soon as he lands."

"F*ck that. This has to be at least a VIP speed hack."

"There's no chance to aim at him if he's running so fast. Who can win against that?"

"F*ck. The youngins nowadays all cheat!"

"Streamer, why don't you just end this game and start the next one? It's no fun playing with a cheating god."

"Yeah, yeah, just end the game. As long as there are green hills, you won't be afraid that there's no wood to burn."

There were many viewers in the stream urging Lin Ye to end the game and start the next one even though it didn't even begin. He could start a new game and not waste time with this cheater.

After all, to ordinary players, cheating gods were undefeatable existences. So when faced with one, it basically meant becoming a death crate upon landing; there was no chance of winning when engaging in a gunfight.

Even professional players wouldn't be a match to this speed hack that allowed players to be faster than a motorcycle. 

However, Lin Ye was not at all scared of this speed hack.

He glanced at his stream's bullet comments and said arrogantly, "A speed hack god? I'm curious to see if he's faster than my bullet!"

"I just hope the cheating god won't die so soon because it'd be sad if he dies before I can kill him." 

Lin Ye's calm words made the atmosphere of his stream stiff, and many viewers were confused after hearing that.

Is this streamer not even afraid of a cheating god?

Lin Ye even wants the cheating god not to die too soon…

What kind of thought process was that?!

"Hahaha, I finally understand why he's called Smug Streamer. He really is smug!"

"Impressive. I'm suddenly excited to see who will win after seeing how calm the streamer is, 98K Lin Ye or the cheating god."

"Smug Streamer is so impressive! Smug Streamer is so handsome!"

"He hasn't even bumped into the cheater yet, and he's already smug. If he can kill that cheater later, won't he get so smug that he'd explode?"

"Yeah, yeah. Smug Streamer, if you are so impressive, why don't you go up into the sky and stand side by side with the sun?!"

Lin Ye's calm yet arrogant words fueled the roasting bullet comments in his stream. There were many people that were looking forward to seeing who was going to have the last laugh after this game.

After all in the previous game, Lin Ye's crazy 98K performance showed the power of slaying gods!

[Orange Soda gifted the streamer one super rocket.]

Orange Soda: "Mr. Lin Ye, if you can kill the cheating god, I'll give you ten more super rockets!"

The little rich lady, Orange Soda, even promised here and then.

[Jiure gifted the streamer one airdrop.]

[Loyal Official gifted the streamer one airplane.]

[Golden Hotpot gifted the streamer one rocket.]

[Ordinary Person gifted the streamer one rocket.]

Many viewers started gifting after the little rich lady, Orange Soda, started the movement.

Jiure: "Smug Streamer, if you can kill the cheating god, I'll give you a super rocket as well!"

Loyal Official: "I support the person from before. Streamer, keep up the good work and kill the shift speed cheater."

Golden Hotpot: "Smug Streamer, as long as you kill this cheater once for us, you will receive plenty of gifts."

Ordinary person: "Slay the god! Slay the god! All cheaters must die!!!"

Many of the rich heir viewers started posting bullet comments in his stream, supporting Lin Ye's decision to slay the cheating god.

In the game of PUBG, cheaters were definitely amongst the top three types of MT at stacking aggro; they probably had the potential of getting the number one spot.

[TL Note: MT is a term in games for Main Tank, a role that is meant for taking damage and getting the attention of enemies so that other players won't have to worry about dying. Stacking aggro means getting the attention of enemies (usually controlled by computer AI)] 

There were many instances where countless players worked hard to get into the final play zone in a game of PUBG, but a cheating god killed everyone with ease.

There were too many such instances.

There were many ordinary players who were watching Lin Ye's stream, and their sense of hatred spiked when seeing a cheater and united as they had hated cheaters all along.

When Lin Ye's viewers saw that Lin Ye had the chance of slaying this cheating god, of course, they spoke up in support.


Five seconds… four seconds… three seconds… two seconds… one second...

The battle to slay the cheating god was about to begin.