Sniper King Baixiao

"Douyu, Juwangbaixiao headshotted xingixngsay00 with M24."

"Douyu, Juwangbaixiao headshotted guaguaqweR with M24."

"Douyu, Juwangbaixiao headshotted wsmmsw with M24."

"Douyu, Juwangbaixiao headshotted babyKK-.- with M24."

"Douyu, Juwangbaixiao headshotted Klakala0.0 with M24."


A player ID kept popping up on the top right corner of the game screen, saying that a player was using an M24 to headshot many players.

Within 20 seconds, there were five consecutive kills that were all headshots.

This shocking speed and 100 percent headshot rate were almost the same as Lin Ye's rate during the last game when he was killing the Bear Defenders in School.

However, this player ID was much more well-known than that of Lin Ye, so when the kill notifications showed up, Lin Ye's stream became very rowdy.

"Douyu, Juwangbaixiao… Isn't this the player ID of the ace streamer of the PUBG section, Sniper King Baixiao?"

"Yes, yes, I know this ID too. It's the champion of the last All-Star Solo Competition."

"6666! The streamer is playing with Sniper King Baixiao."

"Good. Good. Smug Streamer + Sniper King Baixiao + A cheating god… This game sure has a lot of things to look out for."

"That Sniper King Baixiao is also headshotting people like crazy using an M24. From how he keeps on refreshing the kill notifications, it looks like he's very strong!"

"Strong? He's not just ordinarily strong. Even his name has Sniper King in it. He definitely knows some sh*t."

"Hahaha, I heard that Sniper King Baixiao is also one of Little Bear's simps. Now that he's going to encounter Lin Ye, who captured Little Bear like a turtle in a jar, it'll be amusing to watch. Haha."

Viewers kept on posting bullet comments on Sniper King Baixiao in Lin Ye's stream, filling up the screen. Obviously, Sniper King Baixiao was very well-known in Douyu's PUBG section, so many players knew that it was him just by seeing his player ID. In terms of popularity, he was definitely an ace streamer.

From another perspective, even Lin Ye, who didn't really watch streams, knew of Sniper King Baixiao, showing how well-known Sniper King Baixiao was on Douyu.

However, Lin Ye only knew of his name and didn't know anything else about him, nor did Lin Ye care to.

To Lin Ye, Sniper King Baixiao was a highly mechanically skilled PUBG streamer and good sniper.

"It's going to be a long journey. I need to find a car to move faster."

Lin Ye circled the northern city but couldn't find a vehicle, so he turned around and ran toward the boat spawn points by the coast.

It would take at least a few minutes by running to get from the most northern city, Severny, to the safe zone. He would look dumb if the blue zone kept on shrinking toward the south when he entered the safe zone.

That was why Lin Ye needed to find a suitable vehicle so he could move around easier.


- Meanwhile - 

In Sniper King Baixiao's stream under the PUBG section of Douyu, there were also many bullet comments being posted.

It turned out that many of Sniper King Baixiao's viewers recognized Lin Ye's name in this game too.


This player ID belonged to the person that forced Little Bear into a deadlock and killed her!

"Did you guys say that cheater who bullied Little Bear is also in this game?" 

Sniper King Baixiao smiled after killing all other players around the C-shaped buildings at Sosnovka Military Base.

"Yeah, yeah. Baixiao-sama, it's really that Linye. I know that name."

"Little Bear was blocked in Shelter and got killed by Lin Ye. Poor thing!"

"Baixiao-sama, you need to avenge Little Bear!"

"If you can kill that cheater and avenge Little Bear, I'll give you super rockets!"

"Baixiao-sama, you need to be careful. That cheater's 98K can really headshot people precisely with every bullet. He's really strong!"

Just when Sniper King Baixiao finished talking, many bullet comments flew by the screen, flooding his stream.

His stream's popularity was steady and was usually above three million. He had many followers, so all the bullet comments made his stream look very alive.


"Hehe, I wasn't interested in this cheater…" Sniper King Baixiao smirked and then said in disdain, "But since this Lin Ye bullied Little Bear, I need to get even for her."


"After all…"

"Little Bear and I are close friends, so I naturally wouldn't want to see her being hurt."

Sniper King Baixiao spoke rather eloquently, especially how he mentioned he wanted to protect Little Bear. That made his true fans in his stream think that he was very powerful and dominating.

What is a true man?

He's a man that will avenge his lady when she is bullied.

However, these words sounded rather awkward to Little Bear's fans.

What the hell? You and Little Bear are close friends…?

The entire Douyu knows that you are Noob Bear's no.1 simp, and the type of simp that couldn't even get close to her no matter what?!

Especially those viewers who had watched Lin Ye's stream felt uncomfortable when they heard Sniper King Baixiao calling Lin Ye a cheater repeatedly.

Who would feel good when their favorite streamer was called a cheater?

That was why some viewers that supported Lin Ye started posting bullet comments in Sniper King Baixiao's stream, explaining that Lin Ye was not a cheater but a really strong player.

However, those bullet comments were eyesores to Sniper King Baixiao. He scoffed, "In China, there aren't that many snipers that are as good as me even in the professional circle, yet you guys are saying that Lin Ye who headshots with every bullet isn't cheating?"

"Truly blind. Where are the moderators? Hurry and ban these dumb*sses who are trying to sway the conversation."

Some people might get curious if others mention Lin Ye in the bullet comments. If some of those viewers choose to go to this cheater's stream and don't come back, then what can I do?

Sniper King Baixiao viewed his popularity as the most important thing in the world.

After all, popularity was equivalent to money to a renowned streamer. If someone was going to steal his popularity, then that person would become his arch-nemesis! 

That was why when he heard of Lin Ye's 98K performance, he would assert that Lin Ye was a cheater right away without thinking. As long as people believed that Lin Ye was a cheater, then Lin Ye would not become too big of a threat to him.

Netizens were all pretty low. Given Sniper King Baixiao's status, they would believe whatever random sh*t he said even if they were fake.

Moreover, to Sniper King Baixiao, there was an over 90% percent possibility that Lin Ye was a cheater. Why wouldn't anyone participate in an activity that was a sure win?

Many viewers who sided with Lin Ye were banned from Sniper King Baixiao's stream by the moderators. Only then did Sniper King Baixiao's mood get better. He laughed and said, "Since I'm avenging Little Bear, I should let her know, so she can see how I will kill that cheater who bullied her."

Then, Sniper King Baixiao took out his cellphone in front of his camera and looked through his contacts to find Little Bear's name. He turned on the speaker and dialed the call in front of all his viewers.

As long as Little Bear picked up, Sniper King Baixiao's audience would be able to hear her voice since he put his phone on speaker.

"Baixiao-sama, this interaction is really cool!"

"It truly is such that the brave deserve the fair. Baixiao-sama and Little Bear seem like such a good fit together."

"I agree with this marriage! Hahaha!"

All of sudden, many of Sniper King Baixiao's hardcore fans started getting rowdy in his stream.

Sniper King Baixiao was waiting too.

The call was made, and the phone was ringing.

The next moment, however, an unexpected voice sounded from the other end.

"Sorry, the person you have dialed has turned off the phone. Please try again later. Sorry, the number…"

A robotic female voice.

Sniper King Baixiao was embarrassed and wanted to end the call as soon as possible when he heard that sudden voice from his phone.

Normally, streamers like them would need to keep their cellphones on 24/7, so he felt embarrassed when he heard the voice recording after calling Little Bear.

Damn it! Why did Little Bear turn off her phone so late at night?!

"Baixiao-sama, since Little Bear turned off her phone, why don't you tell her in her stream."

"Yeah. You don't need to run out of the blue zone right now, so you have plenty of time."

"Yeah, yeah. I saw Noob Bear becoming a death crate upon landing just now, and she is screaming and crying in her stream!"

"Baixiao-sama, if you go tell her you are avenging her, maybe she'll be touched and become yours!"

Just then and there, many of Sniper King Baixiao's viewers were posting bullet comments to urge him.

"You guys are right. I'll take advantage of this time before the blue zone closes in and go check Little Bear's stream out." Sniper King Baixiao liked the bullet comments in his stream, so he quickly used his stream account to go into Little Bear's stream.

If I don't show off my skills in front of the beautiful woman, how can I trick her into my bed?!