Wake Up!

Fields of green sang merrily as grasses and flowers swayed in favor of the wind's breeze. Amongst the lightly fogged mist, fairies rode on fireflies, illuminating the dull area. It's been a while since the Oracle had been unconscious. Every day and night, the creatures danced livelily, waiting for him to awaken.

Inside the wooden house, the Oracle laid unconscious on his cotton layered bed with fairies feeding droplets of dew into his mouth. As a loud howl vibrated the room, fiery flames swirled in midair. Fairies rushed under the bed and took cover at different corners of the house, staying highly cautious of the surrounding. Seconds later, a furry round ball rolled out of the fire hooping hole, dusted in smoke.

As soon as Kyle landed on the carpet, he spread his body flat on the ground, preventing himself from rolling further out. Rubbing his eyes, he dusted his fur and sneezed out high squeals. Standing up on his hind legs, he summoned a mirror, some water and a comb. His eyes widened in shock at the explosive mohawk hairstyle his soft white strands looked at the moment. He gasped, squinted closer to the mirror, and made many faces to confirm it was his reflection in the mirror.

Fairies recognized who he was and dashed out with open arms to rub his silky fur. Kyle had finished fixing his furry head and tossed the comb back into his space. However, the fairies tackled him and rubbed him continuously, making his fur messed up again. Having a playful nature, Kyle purred in response and obediently lied on his back to let the fairies squash him.

His giggling squeals urged the fairies to play with him more. A few minutes later, the fairies exited through the window and let Kyle perform his task.

Patting his paws on his cheeks, Kyle sat on his butt cheeks. His thought deepened, trying to decide whether he should fix his hair again before waking the Oracle up. His mother's words repeated in his mind. Remembering the words, she had promised earlier, Kyle nodded and hopped on the edge of the bed where the Oracle was lying in deep slumber.

Studying his father's expression, Kyle scoffed thinking he looked much younger than the last time he had ever seen him. He waved his paws in front of the Oracle's face. As expected, he gave no reaction. Drowning deep in thought, Kyle listed many possible solutions in waking him up.

With a grin on his face, Kyle crawled close to his face and licked his paws. Patting one paw after another repeatedly, he pressed his father's cheeks together. He squealed in the process, but the Oracle was stubbornly asleep.

Letting out a grunt, Kyle placed his paws on his hips and turned around. He stood up on all fours, scrunching his face together.


A puff of air released from his behind onto the Oracle's face - he farted. Squeezing his tiny nose closed, Kyle looked extremely amused by his father's unbudging nature. He raised his arms, waved them around and pounded his chest like King Kong. Unfortunately, no matter how well he imitated the character, his father's eyes remained shut.

Lying flat on top of the Oracle's chest, Kyle started running out of ideas. As his fluffy tails swayed back and forth on his back, he blinked at his father. Grinning once again, he stretched his tails and tickled sensitive spots on the Oracle's body.

Snickering mischievously, Kyle waited patiently for some kind of response. However, the anticipated response never arrived, leaving him greatly frustrated. His tiny arms scratched the top of his head, combing his fur out like an opened book.

He clapped his paws together and summoned his mother's favorite lipstick. Squinting, Kyle's mouth curved upwards as his paw twisted the lipstick out. The curved tip of the red lipstick looked glossy and highly pigmented. Using a mirror, Kyle applied the lipstick on his own lips.

Pressing his lips together, he blended the color out on his lips and casted the product aside. Placing his paws on either side of the Oracle's cheeks, Kyle squealed loudly next to the Oracle's ears.

He said, "Wake up now, or I will give you a nice big kiss! Then, a picture will be sent to mom as evidence of you cheating on her with that octopus lady with eight arms who loves giving massages by the ocean!"

Squeal! Squeal! Squeal!

Kyle threatened with his arms waving actively in the air - demonstrating a catastrophic storm would rage if he doesn't wake up. Gulping, he proceeded to performing the last action - kissing his father.

Right when he started regretting slightly about coming up with this trick to make him wake up, the Oracle's eyelashes fluttered. Seeing this reaction, Kyle couldn't help but hop around his body. The excitement and thrilling howls escaped his mouth.

Soon, the Oracle recovered full consciousness and sat up from his bed. The Oracle arched his left brow and stared at his son's slightly pink lips. Obvious lipstick residues were left on his fur. "Squirt! Your mother sent you here to wake me up, not get us divorced! You want a new relative this quick? I just have to toss you in the ocean with thousands of octopuses waiting for you to choose your future wife!"


Kyle shook his head, objecting to his suggestive idea.

The Oracle sniffed himself and wondered where the vulgar scent was coming from. When he realized it came from his clothes, he asked, "why is it so stinky?"

Guilt showed up in Kyle's eyes for a split second before he recollected himself and answered confidently. "You haven't brushed your teeth yet. Hurry and go wash up! We still have to go tell Eros that Psyche reincarnated! Oh, mom says to follow the rules. This is the most we can help Eros and Psyche. The rest depends on him and their fate."