Axle's Effort 2

"Hold that rectangle right there! I have apologized and fixed your arm! If you move any closer with that rectangle in your hand, I will fight!" To show off the seriousness of his words, Axle stood up from his seat and stomped one foot on the chair.

"Did you think fixing my arm and saying you're sorry will make everything the same?! If that is the case, then why would we need the police?! You stay right there! My men will teach you some manners!" The muscular man stretched his arm out, pointing his phone in Axle's direction.

With the thought of the cellphone as a potential weapon, Axle reacted quickly. He tackled the man's wrist, snatched the cellphone before it fell to the ground, and flipped the man over his shoulders. The man landed on the floor with a loud groan.

One after another, the three underlings tried attacking Axle all at once. However, Axle avoided all incoming attacks and banged their heads against each other. As a result, all their cellphones bounced in the air and ended up in Axle's possession. With the four of them stacked up like pancakes, Axle used the tissue on the table to wipe the seat clean.

Before long, a policeman passed by and noticed the ruckus amongst the busy streets.

"What's going on here?" The policeman asked with a dominant voice. Although Axle had no idea who this man was, he knew the man was superior compared to the rest of these humans. People seemed afraid of him and quickly walked away while some still stayed with curiosity.

Axle wanted to speak up, but one of the four hooligans took the spotlight and let out a petrifying cry. His trembling voice added on to his acting as he pointed towards Axle and tattled the story - while victimizing himself. "That guy over there beat us up after robbing our phones! He was checking those two girls out and we were kind enough to tell him to not do that because it was disturbing the girls! He didn't like what we said and even beat us!"

"Is that true?" The officer reached for his handcuffs and was ready to arrest him.

Axle stared at them with no sense of urgency. "That is not true. I was trying to communicate with those two girls using telepathy. These guys came over and asked me if I still want my eyes. They threatened to gouge my eyes out and kill me. I was only defending myself since he raised his hand on my shoulder. Also, they were trying to attack me using this weapon, so I snatched it to protect myself. What wrong am I in?"

"He even dislocated my friend's arm!!!" One of them deliberately revealed bruises on his body to the officer, while Axle continued sitting leisurely.

"And I also fixed his arm. I apologized as well because it was an accident. You guys only wanted money from me." Axle sneered when the man mentioned the twisted arm incident.

"Officer, you must believe us!!! Look at how badly we've been beaten! If we were the ones lying, then shouldn't it be him who is lying on the floor instead of us? Plus, if he didn't beat us, would we have tossed ourselves into each other and injure each other?" The same underling tried persuading the officer once again.

"Young man, show me your identification card. You are under arrest for causing harm to another's body. Raise your arms in the air and let me search your body to check for any weapons." The officer demanded Axle to follow his instructions, but Axle refused to cooperate as he did nothing wrong. In the underworld, Eros always treated him fairly and listened to both sides of the story. Facing such injustice, Axle refused to listen to his commands.

According to the guide, being arrested means he would be thrown in jail. The description of jail is similar to the prison in the underworld where prisoners couldn't get out unless proven innocent. However, earth was a bit different.

In the guide, it was said that officers would force prisoners to work all day and eat bland food. Some officers would beat prisoners too. Thinking about the consequences of following the officer back, Axle definitely wouldn't suffer like that!

"Yeah, check his I.D card! If he doesn't have one, he is probably an illegal immigrant or something!!! Get his ass in jail!! We are good citizens!" The underling shouted.

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense. Young man, take out your I.D. card. Give me your name, phone number, and address." The officer took out his cellphone and faced it towards Axle, requesting for his information. Seeing the weird keypad on the bright screen, Axle gasped and shoved the device away from him!

The officer grunted in displease when Axle pushed away the device. "What? Are you trying to attack me? Do you know attacking an officer could give you some time in jail? Hurry up with your identification card! I don't have all day."

"Then, why don't those guys have to show their identification card? They were the ones who started provoking me. Since I was defending myself, it isn't fair for you to only ask me for an identification card." Axle stuffed his hand in his pocket as he argued.

Hearing murmurs from the crowd around them, the officer waved his hand at the four men. "You four! Come here and show me your ID cards!"

A smirk tilted on Axle's lip as the four men stepped out with their ID cards in their hands. Sliding his hand out of his pocket, Axle snapped his fingers in front of the officer. Suddenly, the chaotic noises came to a pause and everyone froze in their places.

"So, this flat plate is called an ID card. Hmmm?" Axle pulled the plastic rectangular card out of the four men's hands. He studied the picture on the cards and compared them to their faces. "Hah, it doesn't even look like them. Oh well, I have none of this information. Plus, my face looks too good to stick to this plate. Eh, I'll make a prettier one later."

Turning around, Axle noticed the device in the officer's hand. He stretched out his index finger and gently poked the rectangular object. The officer's hands shook lightly from his sudden move against the device. " it doesn't attack when I push it. Then, how does this weapon work? Do I have to hold it?"

He carefully slid the cellphone out of the officer's hand and inspected the item. After several minutes of investigating the product in his hand, he started tapping the screen to see what the item was used for.