Money Solves Everything

"What are you saying? Speak up." Eros arched his left eyebrow, forming light creases on his forehead.

"Ahahahh, nothing much! Master! You must be tired and all sweaty from the car ride earlier. Since you like being clean, how about changing into this sports outfit instead?" Axle took out a bag of clothes to distract Eros' attention.

While he was saying these words, his mind was thinking about something else. Inwardly, he was reminding himself about earth. 'Just in case Master races down this neighborhood and disturb our fellow neighbors! If this is the case, there might be speed cameras and even people who could recognize us! This sports outfit covers him from head to toe. With this, nobody should recognize us!'

"But I'm not sweaty. I had the windows opened, I think I'm fine." Eros placed his hands on the steering wheels, ready to start driving again.

"Then you must be cold! The sports outfit is thicker than your current ones. Even if you haven't sweat or felt it, human bodies perspire on their own to detoxify their body! You drank a lot of water earlier, so you might be stinky." He took a random sniff and waved his hands in Eros' face. "Mhmm. Stinky. You don't want other humans to come digging you up because you smell right?"

In reality, there was only the fresh clothes detergent fragrance coming from Eros' outfit.

"Eh? Why would humans come near me if I stink? Shouldn't it be the opposite effect?" Eros lifted his shirt and smelled it. He repeated the actions a few times because his nose didn't pick up any unpleasant scent.

"No! Master! Humans, especially grandmas and aunties love the smell of young men! Sweaty young men! Their noses could smell you from tens of miles away! See? You are this good looking and sweaty that they'll hunt you down! They are scary!" Axle spoke half of the truths. He did encounter aunties and grandmas in the past, but they were all at the grocery stores. In addition to meeting them, they even stuffed fresh ingredients into his arms as gifts.

Due to his lack of experience on earth, Eros took Axle's words seriously and quickly changed into the sports outfit in the backseat.

"Aren't you going to change too?" Eros spotted a similar bag in Axle's hands. He saw how much sweat Axle had sweated earlier. Furrowing his brows, he looked at Axle while looking out to the streets to make sure no grannies nor aunties were nearby.

"Uhm yeah. We are running out of time, Master. How about this? You drive slowly while I change. Remember to not go too fast. You just need to make a right turn at the corner and continue driving straight until you see a red sign that points to an underground parking lot.

"Alright. I'll try going at my slowest pace. Go get changed." Eros pointed to the backseat and waited for Axle to climb to the back. As the car moved, Axle felt a huge weight lift off his chest. Eros didn't speed!

Unfortunately, his happiness was short-lived. In the middle of changing his pants, Axle felt the sudden brake and bumped into the back of the driver's seat. His clothes were untidy and the inside of the car was dimmed. He rubbed the side of his head and hissed. "Argh, Master. What's wrong?" He reached to the ceiling where he tried searching for the lights.

Before he received a response from Eros, Eros already stepped out of the car and slammed the door closed. Axle blinked and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming. They weren't at their destination yet and there wasn't any reason to step on the brakes.

Eavesdropping from inside the car while organizing his clothes, Axle could hear a sweet female voice talking to Eros. Outside the vehicle, Eros eyed the teenager on the ground with a kitten struggling in her arms. Through her face mask, he could see the feminine features of her face. For a second, he felt mesmerized by her appearance and spaced out until she stood up.

"Miss, are you alright?" Eros asked, recalling the rules written in the Oracle's guidebook. In situations where accidents or trouble happens between an immortal and a human, money solves everything.

"Yes, I'm fine." Primrose lifted the kitten up in her hands and inspected its small white fluffy body to make sure it was alright. It was then that she noticed one of the kitten's legs was injured. The kitten whimpered a pitiful meow, patting its paws lightly against primrose's hands.

As if it was pleading Primrose to not touch the injury any longer, it clapped its small paws together a few times. Facing such a heart-melting scene, Primrose couldn't help but caress the kitten's head.

"Are you sure you're fine? I think you need to see a doctor or go to the hospital." Using the essential vocabularies he studied under Axle's teaching, Eros answered in a very responsible way.

"I'm fine, the kitten is not fine though. Poor thing must've been so scared. It jumped out to the middle of the road like a bat. If I didn't catch it in time, it would've flown flat against your windshield."

Primrose poked the fluffy kitten on the nose, causing the kitten to rub its nose and let out a softer meow. It looked into Primrose's eyes. As if it was hypnotized by what it saw, the kitten obediently rubbed its furry head against Primrose's fingers, smitten by her aura.

Seeing how adorable the furry creature reacted to her teases, Primrose felt her heart warmed up by the interaction. She looked up from the kitten and realized the stranger was still standing there. Quickly realizing that she was in his car's way, she stepped aside.

When Eros continued standing in the same spot, Primrose made eye contact with him.

"The kitten is fine. It has lives like platinum strength. You look like you're the one who needs help more." Eros reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet. As the devil, how could he miss the stench of blood coming from her body? The moment he stepped out of the vehicle, he had already smelled it. As for the kitten, he had other plans for the furry creature, but that would be done after she leaves.