The Three Musketeers 1

In the moment of absolute stillness, the kitten's pair of aquamarine-green eyes sparked in loyalty, keeping it locked to Eros's inquiring eyes. Deeply focused, the small creature examined its situation - 'this is not good,' it whispered in its mind.

"Talk," Eros repeated his demand dangerously. His vocal waves effectively drowned the feline's ear canal, moistening its ear wax junks to mushed soup.

"Meow. Meow. Meow!" Two pink paws zoomed into Eros's vision before darkness blinded the man's sight. Standing on its hind legs, the feline stretched in an angled position from Eros's hand to his eyes. Panting, its dark pink tongue kept sticking out of its mouth. With its perfect excuse of giving Eros an eye massage, the kitten began rubbing the man's eyelids lightly. Thoughts crept into its mind, exploring countless excuses it could make to convince Eros why it was on earth.

"Artemis, did you think just because you're out of my sight you're not here?" Eros pointed out the obvious.

Dissatisfied by her master's deliberate expose, it reminded Artemis about the crow in the restroom. A merciless grin tilts the corners on her lips, her eyes flashed a dark eclipse toward the closed restroom door. Though it was a minor twitch on her face, Eros saw everything. However, he didn't mind what the feline wished to do to punish Axle - who was busy jamming to his music playlist on Spotify at the moment.

Behind the closed doors, Axle's neck imitated a snake's movements, swaying left and right. With his eyes closed and ears covered, he overlooked the phoenix gold trail that traced the gaps of the restroom door. The glittery effect lasted a few seconds before it disappeared in thin air.

Outside the door, Artemis's paws had left Eros's eyes. Still feeling aggrieved by her master's willfulness and Axle's random betrayal, - he shoved her into Eros's arms and found shelter in the restroom - she held her breath. Her originally fluffy flat cheeks inflated.


Her fur exploded outwards like a pufferfish and her soft hair spread like a lovely dandelion. Strands of fur floated zigzagging down the sides of the fellow's pout. Her crystalline eyes glowed from its original aqua-green to silvers and sapphire. The gradient vibrancy stirred with indetermination. Reflected from her crystalline eyes, Eros saw whirlpools in both her eyes - she was summoning someone.

Moments later, a rhombus sparked like a diamond's vibrant glow in Artemis's eyes. She lifted her delicate pink paws, stuck out the tip of its tongue, and kissed the paw. Then, she rolled her paws into a light fist and rubbed her triangular ears. Upon contact, her ears twitched and her tail swayed left and right. In the middle of fanning, her tail slowed and carved a heart shape.

"Meow~ Meow ~ Meow~" Artemis sang a melodic harmony as if she was chanting a spell. Her fur strands combed as if the wind was blowing in her direction. Her paws left the triangles on her head. She started pressing her paws in thin air. Her movements were quick, concise, and accurate as golden rays followed her actions and started connecting one point to another.

When completed, a perfect star was drawn. A glittering path was visible and the chant was officially over. Clapping her paws together, Artemis once again sang merrily. "Meow~ Meow~ Meow~"

As if the shimmering rays received her request, it ran out of the apartment through the balcony and left the balcony doors opened. The lights disappeared in the night, flying to reach the summoned one.

High above the freckled scattered starry sky, a goddess whose beauty was on par with Aphrodite sat on her mythical creature in great joy. The wind, in her favor, brushed her hair away from her eyes. Her legs dangled on the side of the large gray rhinoceros whose legs were halfway soaking in a clear sparkling fountain.

"Hmm?" Her smile crooked up as she spotted an incoming summon. Her arm extended vertically to the sky, palms spread and captured the rainbow gold rays. Once the rays touched her hands, they became strings and entangled themselves around her fingers.

"Aye, how naughty. Caught by Eros already? No fun at all. Should've twisted Eros's ears in his sleep before throwing things back to me. Am I right, unicorn?" She stroked her rhinoceros' rough skin and yawned.

Leaning back on one shoulder, she let her head fall leisurely on it for support. Then, with the same hand she used to cover her yawn, she snapped her fingers and let the summoning strings untie from her fingers.

She pointed her index finger to the sky and scribbled circles on the clouds above. The pinks, blues, and whites swirled together like a huge portion of cotton candy. Immediately, the unknotted strings punctured the soft pastel center, opening up a portal.

Facing the mirror portal in front of her, a giggle escaped the goddess's mouth. "Hello~ Eros." She lazily waved her hand before plopping it back on her lap. "Meow!" Artemis didn't care who was supposed to greet whom first. She was furious! She kept poking her cheeks in dismay as if she wanted to remind the goddess about something she had forgotten to do before sending her to earth.

"Hmm? Oh, right! Sorry, Artemis! I forgot to unseal your ability to speak in a feline form! Let me do that now." With one poke against the glassed portal, the goddess bopped Artemis's button nose. She sneezed upon the goddess's tickling touch and closed her eyes for a brief second.

"Finally!" When Artemis opened her eyes again, she opened her mouth to speak. A soft, female voice escaped from the tiny furry body.

"Hehe. Sorry, Artemis." The goddess's silver-toned hair wavered along with the beautiful scenery from behind. Her purple highlights shone under the strong glazed sun.

Eros's temple was once again pressed by his fingers. He asked, "I could have guessed it was you already, Medusa. Why did you send Artemis here?"

"Correction, I didn't send Artemis. I sent her and her buddies! Hahahaha! I heard mahjong is fun but requires four players. Why don't you let them learn to play this interesting tile game on earth with you? It sounds fun." She conveniently made up a random excuse to persuade him.