The Three Musketeers 3

Collen turned around with an awkward smile on his face. "Haha, I forgot to buy something earlier. I need it to complete a dish. I'll be back soon. Don't peek into the kitchen. Just relax and wait for your birthday dinner. We'll call mom and dad when I'm back."

"Oh, okay. Then hurry back. Mom and dad should be awake by now. I don't want to disturb their business just because it is my birthday. Is Jayden in the kitchen?" Her hair drifted along the direction she twisted her neck to her left.

"Huh? Oh, he left something in his car. He went out to get it and should be back in a few minutes. Be a good girl and wait for us to come back to open your presents! Remember to lock the doors after I leave. Even though our neighborhood is safe, it is still best to be cautious." Collen turned the golden knob and pushed the door open.

Before leaving, he waved to her and pointed to the lock once again. Primrose chuckled, skipped over to the door, and secured the lock. "Silly brothers." She mumbled.

A sudden thought struck her mind when she turned her attention down the narrow hallway. Since dinner wasn't ready yet and her brothers weren't home, she decided to give herself a small treat before the meal. Skipping small steps along the hall, her slippers slapped against the wooden floor. Other than the ticking sounds of the hands of the wall clock, only the flapping between the heels of her feet and the cold wooden tiles could be heard.

Her curved eyes scanned the room, spotting the jar of lollipops she was looking for. As she strolled toward the jar, her hair kept kissing her cheeks. Bothered by the naughty loose strands, she gathered her hair with both hands and combed her silky ink hair backward.

Next to the jar of lollipops, a pencil sat on top of some receipts. Smiling, she held her hair with one hand, twisted the rest of the hair in a clockwise motion on her scalp, and bent down to pick up the pencil on the table. Inserting the pencil diagonally through her hair, she secured the bun on her hair.

Satisfied, she then rotated the translucent crystal lid off the glass jar and took out a strawberry-flavored lollipop. Saliva filled her mouth when she smelled the lightly sweet and sour fragrance emitted from the oval wrapped package in front of her.


The bottom of the jar touched the table surface. After her gentle placement, the jar was back to its original spot and the lid was once again covering the jar opening.

It was a clear night sky with millions of stars in the starry night. The heavy storm from the previous night had calmed down, leaving strong wind effects this morning. However, when night reached, the breezes softened greatly. The zephyr swept past the sheer pink curtains in the living room luring Primrose to the balcony.

As if invisible arms were drawing her closer to the balcony, she subconsciously walked towards it. On her way, she unwrapped the candy in her hand and savored the sweet taste in her mouth. Her tongue wrapped itself around the lollipop, eventually pushing it to the side of her mouth.

Her fingers curved on the door handle. One simple pull was all it took for her to access the balcony area. The minute she stepped outside, her bare legs became the spotlight under the moonlight's guidance. While enjoying the pecks of light air against her body, she heard whimpers of a feline to her right. Blinking, she turned her head to the source of the sound and spotted a man in a sports outfit matching the weird guy from before.

In the man's hand was a white furball, which resembled the same traits as the kitten she saved earlier! Her lips parted slightly, forming a small ovular shape. Fortunately, the back of her teeth didn't widen a big gap, or else the lollipop would've fallen down.

"No matter what you say, you're still going back to where you came from," Eros said, stepping out of his apartment with Artemis in his hands. Artemis struggled in the devil's hands but failed to break free. Although Medusa unsealed her ability to speak human language, only Eros and those from their own world could understand her words.

Therefore, under Primrose's intense gaze, all she could conclude from the situation was a man in his twenties bullying a homeless kitten. Seeing Eros walking closer to the metal rails, she reached out her arm with her palm facing Eros's face. "Stop right there!"

"Huh?" Eros looked up from Artemis and noticed a beautiful young lady in an oversized pink hoodie with a bunny munching on potatoes on it. Since she was wearing her casual wear at home, she chose an oversized hoodie with a pair of shorts underneath it.

"Calm down, sir. That is life in your hands. You can't just toss that poor kitten from this height and believe the kitten will be fine. If you dump the kitten down like that, I'll call the domestic abuse association on you." She warned without slurring her speech while sucking the lollipop in her mouth.

Eros stared at Primrose's straightened index finger and followed an invisible trail to Artemis. The corner of his lips hooked up, but it wasn't one that revealed gladness. Like an interrupted network, Eros's brain was like a computer with an error message popping out all over the place. Many question marks lightened in his mind and he couldn't find the solution to them.

"Uh, what did you say?" Eros's quickest response was to refute any doubts this young lady had in her mind. For a second, his attention was fully on her. For some reason, he was stunned by her beauty. Oddly, he felt as if he met her before, but he didn't know where. While sinking deep in thought, he continued dissolving the awkward situation between them.