Strawberries and cream vs. chocolate pocky sundae

"I know!!! I know what she smells like!!!" The puffy hamster staggered on its hind legs, swaying its furry hips in a catwalk manner towards Primrose and Artemis. Its furry arms stretched out with its tiny claws curved like a gachapon machine claw, ready for some action. It only occurred to the hamster's genius mind that it was walking suspiciously when it met the strange stares of others. With an exaggerated tilt to its right, the hamster rolled on its soft cushioned body with its limbs spread out like a flying bat and rolled its way to Primrose.

All along what seemed like an eternal path down the glossed counter, the hamster finally lay flat on the counter with its heaving tummy facing the ceiling. As if that dramatic roll took a significant amount of effort, its chest inhaled sharply a few times. Its mouth is left agape, showing its two front teeth.

Artemis snickered with her paw smacked against her lips, appearing awed by the dramatically staged roll the hamster had just performed. "You look like bubblegum rolling down a pinball, except on a flat surface. To think the great gatekeeper would one day pretentiously roll across a glossy counter like that. Seems like you also slacked off from exercising recently." Artemis meowed long hums in Primrose's arms.

Nevertheless, the hamster's awkwardly prolonged performance only distracted Artemis for a split second. Artemis licked her paws when a sudden thought struck her mind quicker than Zeus's lightning madness!

"Yes! You figured it out too! She smells just like-" Artemis's ears wiggled sideways countless times as she spotted the hamster's confident expression! They've concluded!

"Strawberries and cream parfait with extra Nutella and strawberry slices on the side!" Artemis meowed, raising her paw to the ceiling like a student answering a question in class.

"Chocolate pocky sundae with pistachio ice cream and almond sprinkles!!!" The hamster crossed its hind legs as it lay back on the flat counter. Its elbows supported its torso from falling back.

Both of them howled in a high pitch, only to realize their thoughts were split between two ideas.

"Impossible! My nose can sniff better than Medusa's unicorn!" Artemis's baby pink paw tapped her nose proudly as if doing so would heighten her efficiency in picking up fragrances.

"Hah, I can distinguish millions of hamster foods and recreate the food I have never tasted. How could I be wrong? And Medusa's unicorn is a rhinoceros. Unicorns don't exist!" The hamster elevated its posture and sat up. After balancing, it attempted to shrug, which carved a small hill curved lump on either side of its shoulder.

"Hah, the last time you said that, Medusa made you wash her unicorn's butt for a year. Do you want to call Mister Uni, a rhinoceros? Also, she smells like strawberry and cream! Not chocolate!!!" Artemis took the opportunity to rub her nose against Primrose's arm and sniffed a few more times to capture the scent.

A tingling sensation began to run astray in primrose's body as Artemis's whiskers teasingly pricked her skin. Her nerves were stimulated by the soft teasing touches of Artemis's coquettishness. "Ahhh, if you keep moving around, you'll fall out of my arms. Please don't move. I promise I won't hurt you." Primrose declared, shooting arrows at Eros, who had taken his time to balance and stand up by the counter.

"Lord Eros!!!! Quick! Sniff this girl and tell me if she smells like strawberries and cream or the chocolate pocky sundae!!! It must be the circle ball pebble in her mouth! Odd, how come the pebble didn't break her teeth? It's dirty, isn't it? Humans are such weird creatures. How could she be sucking on it with no problem and even smell like strawberries and cream?! Is she under some spell? Or are there such delicious pebbles?" Artemis huffed, buffing up her nonexistent muscles for a fight.

"Do I look like a creep to you?" Eros had long forgotten about the language barriers between the furballs and humans. Hence, he responded to Artemis out loud.

"Yes, you do. You cat tossing creep!" Primrose was taken aback by his question, however, she quickly replied to his inquiry without the slightest hesitation. Her sharp-tongued nature hadn't changed the slightest against this stranger neighbor.

"Huh? I wasn't talking to you." Eros's slender fingers combed his dark navy strands of hair from the back. The constant bicker between Artemis and the hamster, who was the guardian gatekeeper of Furball Spirits made Eros wish he could blast them back to the underworld.

Unfortunately, Primrose was present in the room. Even if he wished to send them away, he can only wait until she leaves. "Miss, you do know you are trespassing my property right? Earlier, you refused my compensation offer. Now, you jump over to my apartment and robbed my kitten. May I ask what you think you are doing?"

"I am saving a life! Even though cats have nine lives, it is not the case. Cats don't always land on their paws and even if this little one does, who gives you the right to toss this sweetheart down the balcony? I only accidentally stepped into your apartment for a good reason. Plus, this is only a few steps anyway."

Primrose eyed the distance from where she stood to the entrance behind her. She also calculated the number of long jumps she would have to do to climb back to her apartment before her brothers realize she did something this dangerous.

"Strawberries and cream..." Eros picked up the sweetened scent when Primrose opened her mouth to speak just now.

"Hah! I told you so! It is far from chocolate pocky sundae!" Artemis announced victoriously.

"No way!!! Lord Eros, what happened to the bro code you learned from the Oracle's survival guide?? Men should stick with men!" The hamster smacked its cheeks with its paws as it shook its head sideways.

"Hah! Lord Eros is right! Strawberries and cream!! This pretty lady smells sweet like strawberries and cream!" Artemis stuck out her tongue, pretending to clean her face. In reality, she was mocking her hamster buddy.

The hamster puffed up its cheeks, blowing it outwards like a mini water balloon. It crossed its short arms. Suddenly, its mouth opened and the breath he held was released. "Wait!!"