
Collen heard Jayden's remark and noticed how he was paying close attention to Primrose and Eros. For some reason, this thought surfaced when he saw the two next to each other. "Maybe they were ill-fated lovers in their previous lives and met again. You know, like those dramas and movies where they get reborn or reincarnate to a new life. Then one of them is immortal so he or she waits for the other half to appear again. And they reunite." 

Jayden threw him a glare and muttered, "Hah?! Which eye do you see them as lovers? So you mean he is going to just appear out of nowhere to pick my hard raised cabbage? I'm telling you, nobody can pick our family's cabbage." It wasn't sure when, but Jayden had a knife in his hand. When he thought of a stranger snatching their sister away, he chopped the squash on the chopping board to pieces. 

"Relax, it's one of the popular plots nowadays. I just get this weird feeling as if they knew each other for a while. Could be just me. Anyway, eventually our cabbage will be matured to be picked. As much as we can protect her, we wouldn't want her to become a rotten cabbage. Ya know?" Collen smiled helplessly.

Compared to Jayden, he was more laid back. Primrose was in high school and nowadays, dating and meeting new friends are like having meals - it's normal. He would be more surprised if Primrose didn't have friends at her age. With her looks, it would be hard for her to not have anyone interested in her.

"Hah, you say that now. Watch that man try to steal our cabbage when we aren't looking. Sneaky bastards can't be underestimated. One day they visit with a pizza. The next day you find him asking us for her hand in marriage. Ugh! The audacity!" Jayden crossed his arms as he observed their interaction in the living room. If glares were to kill, then Eros would've been in pieces by now.

Collen shrugged and continued focusing on the main dishes in the kitchen. 

"Hey, pass me the onions." After waiting for another minute, Collen repeated himself. "Onions please!" He stretched out his palm and wiggled his fingers, but his onion never came.

"Onio-...." He turned around to find that he was left abandoned in the kitchen. The corner of his lips twitched as he helplessly continued his dinner task. "Nevermind. Cooking is a lonely activity."

As much as he wanted to drag Jayden back in, he can't let his sister go hungry over pettiness. He shook his head, grabbed a washed onion and started fighting the stinging tears in his eyes. To him, chopping onions was a bigger war than Eros talking to Primrose.

Meanwhile, Jayden had already made his way to interrupt Primrose and Eros's conversation. He couldn't help but slide between them. After all, Primrose was holding all Eros' pets, and Eros was standing a tad too close to her in his opinion.

"So Eros, what do you do for a living? It's a waste for you to not be in the entertainment industry. With your looks, you'd be fresh meat." Although he was not particularly fond of Eros, he had to admit that of all the models he managed, Eros had a very fit physique. Paired with his looks, Jayden could guarantee that if Eros were to join the industry, even a straight pole will become bent for him.

"I breathe." Eros didn't think and answered Jayden's question with the first thing that came up in his mind.

His response made the three fluffy creatures freeze whatever they were doing. Primrose had just handed Side, the bunny a piece of carrot as a snack. Side halted with the carrot right by her mouth and looked at Eros with her mouth wide open as if she was looking at an idiot. 

Meanwhile, Artemis buried her face in her tail acting as if this had never happened. Orion, the hamster rolled his eyes to the ceiling, stuck his tongue out and fell flat on his back with his paws on his chest. 'REALLY? Of all answers...?' The three musketeers thought in the back of their minds. 

"What?" Eros broke the awkward silence. "I have to breathe to live."

"Aha.. Ahahaha...Yea! Jayden, don't you get it?" Primrose knocked her elbow into Jayden's arm, trying to get him to play along. She's met people like Eros before who would tell cold jokes and nobody would understand their humor. However, what they didn't know was that Eros actually meant it. 

"Uh..yeah...." Jayden thought to himself. 'He has a good looking face, but.....his IQ ...or should I say his EQ...'

Ding Dong

"Who could it be?" Jayden's thoughts were interrupted by the door bell.

Upon opening the door, a young man was waiting outside. "Hello, my name is Axle. I just moved in next door with my relative. I thought I heard his voice just now from your place. His name is Eros." Axle, who was left trapped in the bathroom and forgotten by everyone finally got out. Artemis casted a spell on the door earlier, making it difficult for him to get out. Fortunately, the spell had a time limit to it. As soon as the spell was lifted, he immediately came out to find that everyone was gone.

"Nice to meet you. Yes, Eros is in my apartment. It is my sister's birthday, so..." Before Jayden could finish his sentence, Axle excused himself and shouted Eros' name.

"Eros!" He successfully captured everyone's attention. When he scanned across the room, he found three familiar figures trying to glue themselves to Primrose. A spark glittered in his eyes. "Ah! You're that girl that got ran over by Eros earlier!"

"RAN OVER?" Collen was in the middle of chopping chicken with a butcher knife in his hand when he heard Axle's words. He dropped the sliced meat onto the chopping board and sent suspicious glares at Primrose's direction.

Jayden's reaction wasn't any slower. He rushed to her side to check if she was injured.

"I'm fine! Sheesh, the car didn't even touch me. I didn't get run over! I am fine! Very fine! Never been finer! See?" Primrose felt a headache stirring. She thought Eros was bad enough, but Axle made it sound like she got ran over like a dough being flattened by a rolling pin and was left stranded on the street. 

"Oops, it slipped.." Axle covered his lips.

Primrose let out n awkward laugh. "Dude! Being run over and hit are very different things."

"Oh, then you were the girl who got hit earlier!" Axle corrected himself without thinking.

Primrose facepalmed the second she heard his words. Her brothers practically threw themselves at her right after he corrected himself. 

"YOU WERE HIT BY HIS CAR?!" Her brothers shouted in unison.

"No! I wasn't! See?! I'm perfectly fine! See???" Primrose spread her arms and stretched out her limbs in crazy angles to prove her point.