A Non-AI System

It is already late at night but Erstan is still awake. He still tries to find probable explanations for what is happening to him right now. For as long as he can remember is that everything changes in a blink of an eye. There is also no gap in his memory. It's like he's been teleported.

'I don't even feel anything if I was teleported.'

Actually, he can't sleep early as everyone is now asleep. He just concluded that he is dreaming right now.

'But I was hurt earlier.' His idea negates his conclusion again.

"The system welcomes Erstan Accid to his new world and adventure. Please confirm."

"Who's there?!" Erstan is shocked again. He's been shocked all afternoon now and even at night since he went biking.

"Analyzing voice..."

Erstan is afraid of the voice in the middle of the night. Seems like every now and then comes spooky things.

"Voice confirmed. Please look at your necklace."


Even though he doesn't know who is talking, he still looks at his check and tried to feel of there is something on his neck.

'Oh! There is really a necklace!'

He gets the necklace out of his neck and found out that a USB stick is clinging to the lace.

"Hey! Are you the one who talked right now?" He asked the necklace.

"The system has recognized the face of Erstan Accid. Just say 'info'."

'It really is the one talking.' He concluded.

"Hey. What are you?" He asked while looking intently at the small USB stick.

"The system is not intelligent. Say 'info' for more information."

'What? It just said that it is not intelligent? It doesn't know what I am talking about. Hmmm.....wait...Yeah, this is like the one I read in some novels and their system is very powerful and has good-looking interfaces. But this has only a voice. Not intelligent huh...'

"INFO." I followed the instruction it just gave.

"This system is designed to assist the career of the user, Erstan Accid, in Computing here in another world. It is not designed intelligent but is designed as an online store that is connected to the Earth's web. The system offers 6 kinds of products but needs to unlock them first. The user doesn't need to worry much about unlocking because the system is only designed as a timer to unlock the products one by one every 3 months."

'Woooohhh... What a lot of information. This system is very good unlike those I read in novels which torture main characters.'

"Congratulation! You unlocked the first product: God of Info! Use this magical USB stick to connect to the Earth's web. Be responsible. The magical flash drive restricts you from interacting with people on Earth. This is your new home. You are already dead there."

'Wooo... very powerful indeed. I can access information from Earth which I can use here in this world-... wait..."

"I am dead?!" Erstan accidentally raised his voice which made Sky move on his bed. They talked earlier that Erstan is okay with the one being on the floor because the bed only is a one-person size and he also said that he won't feel good anymore if he also uses the bed because they already receive him in their home.

Erstan's focus goes back to the necklace. He asked in a low voice, "What do you mean I am dead there?"


No reply.

"What the -. How is it even possible?!" He doesn't believe the information he just knew.

After a few minutes, he fakely accepts that he is dead for him to stop thinking in depression about it.

'I will just accept the reason for now. My current problem is how I will survive in the new adventure the system is talking about. He only has an internet connection which can't help directly. Hmmm... Wait...'

"How can I even use this gift of yours when I don't have a computer?" His brows are now connecting with each other.

No reply.

"Yeah, you really are a dumb one." He mocks.

Erstan thinks deeply again about his current and future situation. He's depressed again thinking about it.

"AHHH! I need sleep! I don't want to think anymore!" He angrily shouts in a low voice.

"The system is now giving the user a bonus tool. A laptop!"



A laptop packed in a handbag just popped out after a sudden light.

'Oh! There is still a bonus.'

"Woo! I just got a laptop!" Erstan joyously get the laptop in front and hugged it. His love for computers made him forget his current situation for the time being.

"The laptop bonus is designed for surfing the web. Be responsible. There is no other bonus if the laptop is destroyed. The battery is made of magic so don't worry about getting a low battery. Enjoy your adventure, Erstan Accid! See you in three months."

'Magic? Battery? There is magic in this adventure?'

"So I am in a new world?" He asks but no one replied.

The night is silent again after the system said its last message. He looks to his side and finds Sky still in deep sleep. The house actually has only 3 rooms, therefore, he is expected to sleep in Sky's room.

"Ahmmm... I am calm now. Maybe I can sleep already and wake up early."