
"No. Go right."

"Don't shot it early."

"No. Go back."

"What the... Don't move. I'll do it."


"I'm really sorry, Sky."

The hunt was really unsuccessful. I got bruises and cuts everywhere in my neck, arms, and legs. We hunted for the whole afternoon but got nothing because of my clumsiness. I always ruined the plan because of enormous roots, shrubs, and stones that made me lie on the ground all the time.

"It's okay, Brother Erstan. But... I did not know that you suck in hunting. You can't even run straight in the forest." Sky is a little disappointed but still laughs.

"I'm really sorry. I can't do anything of value in your family." I am disappointed in myself because of my incapability. I don't know what will I do to help San's family.

"No. I can't blame you, brother Erstan. You are a scholar so it's not strange you aren't good in this kind of work." Sky said this while collecting the wasted arrows.

I can't say any words anymore. I just remained silent for a moment.

"You really don't have to worry. You even shot a deer but unfortunately, the arrow did not penetrate. Hahaha! You can shot a target but your strength is not enough." He positively consoles me when I was silent for a while.

"I think we'll have bread for dinner. Come on. Sister is waiting."

The sun will set a few minutes from now. I can now experience the nightlife of the villagers. I was raised in the city since I was born. There are no bulbs here that can turn the night no different from the day.

Sky already started walking while looking at me signaling for me to move. I just nodded and followed.


When the two arrived, lamps are now well lit inside the San's medium-size residence. Ert is found waiting outside the front yard. Because there is a distance between Sky and Erstan, the first arrives first and is welcomed by his sister.

"Hahahaha! I was right. With your body, you can't do any hunting skills." Ert laughs hard after knowing that Erstan messed the hunt. Erstan blushed hidden by the darkness of the night.

"I guess we'll have the bread tonight." Ert continued and went inside.

"Give me the bow and the arrows." Sky said to Erstan.

"Huh?" He does not get what Sky is suddenly saying.

"The bow." Sky pointed to the bow he is carrying. "You want it to carry inside?"

"Oh! Sorry. That was embarrassing." I quickly hand over the bow and the arrow container with 3 arrows tucked in it.

'What is happening to me.' Erstan scream in his thoughts.

Ert prepared the table and called the two.

"Wait, sister. I'll just put the arrow to the shed." Sky hurriedly went to the shed.

"What are you still going here? Go inside." Sky said when he found me unmoving outside.


Erstan could not eat enough food. He doesn't know if he feels guilty or the bread is just hard.

'Here we go again with my greedy thoughts.' Erstan surrenders.

"Ert, I have something to ask." Erstan broke the silence around the meal.

"Oh! What is it?" Her brows got higher because he unexpectedly initiated the conversation.

"Ahmmm..... Do you know a good merchant?"

Erstan wants to do something. It is shameful enough to be a freeloader in the family. And he also wants to start his role in this world. For it to happen, he needs wealth, connection, and power.

"Oh! Why? Father has many good friends who are merchants."

Both of them were a little shocked at what Erstan was asking.

"Really?! Can you introduce me to them?"

He is happy because everything will be easier now.

"I can... but they are always traveling or just busy. I can introduce you to them tomorrow." Ert offered.

"No. I still have something to prepare. Maybe in the following days."

'I still need to prepare some samples before I can negotiate with them.'


After dinner, Sky invited Erstan to go wash together outside. With Sky reminding him what they are doing today in the forest, he remembers that he still looks like a mess.

"Oh! I forgot. We should have a wash first before the dinner." Erstan doesn't know wha

"I am already hungry to do that first. By the way, you act weird after our hunt." Sky commented. "Don't worry about today. You are still new to our way of living. Everything will be better for the next days."

"He's right, Erstan." Ert agreed. "You two go was now. The house is now full of your smell." She pushes us a little.