Chapter 7. Ollivander

Soft warmth spread over Hypnos's sleeping face.

Opening his eyes, he blinked them slowly in an attempt to adjust them to the glare.

Golden streaks fell over his eyes, slightly covering the light that bothered him.

Turning and looking at the adorned ceiling of his four-poster bed, he rethought his life choices.

Getting up. Hypnos walked in groggy steps through the Palace's long corridors.

Guided by the attractive scents, he quickly arrived at a large dining room.

Surrounding a large black mahogany table, dozens of elves in a respectful posture. In one of the chairs. Liz looked at the dozens of dishes like a hungry beast. From the corner of his mouth, a small nanny hung silly.

Hypnos laughed lightly with his hand in front of his mouth.

Sitting on the chair at one end of the table. Liz was naturally at his side.

"Are you afraid to eat and get fat?" His voice sounded breaking the silent silence.

Ignoring the pain that came from his arm after Elizabeth punched him. He selected the dishes that most appealed to him.

Small toasts with little pate. A delicious porridge that I could have sworn was made by the best cook. A glass of refreshing lemonade was his selected drink.

Feeling satisfied, he elegantly wiped the dirty tip of his lips.

While he was distracted, he felt a soft touch on his cheek.

Opening his eyes, he saw Liz's face next to his. His cheeks were flushed and his gaze shy.

"There were still crumbs ..." She said innocently.

Feeling surprised, he smiled sheepishly.

After a simple shower. The two went to the famous British magic center again.

As soon as they arrived, all eyes turned to them.

A handsome young man, dressed in just a white T-shirt and simple black pants. Although the style is simple. His own appearance seemed to make everything he wore beautiful.

The young man was accompanied by a beautiful young woman. Dressed in a soft black shirt and a dark violet skirt. Their figures dressed in simple clothes made a stunning thud in the crowd that watched them.

Besides the two. A rear figure did not go unnoticed. Her long silver hair seemed to shine in the sunlight. His amber-colored eyes were serene and calming to anyone who saw them.

Feeling the feminine looks towards Hypnos. Elizabeth made a point of intertwining her arms with his.

As if they didn't exist. Hypnos walked the wide street in a relaxed way as if it were his own garden.

As he walked, he found himself near a dark entrance to a dark alley.

Written in crooked and old letters, the chilling words made wizard parents fend off their children. Knokturn alley.

Some rather suspicious figures, made periodic rounds in the darkest places trying to sell their 'exotic' products.

Hypnos held his curiosity and walked away, back on his way.

It was not yet time. He was not even familiar with the magical combat of this world. Besides that. There was nothing that really interested him in the place. Black magic would not serve him, who had not even attempted to cast a simple illumination spell.

In addition to all the procedures for increasing your energy core. He didn't even have another touch on the magic branch.

Arriving again at the dusty store of old wands. A bell rang just after opening the creaking door.

This time Hypnos would not let his guard down. Paying attention to the energy signatures of the place, it didn't take long for him to locate the walking figure of the middle-aged man who seemed to be climbing stairs.

"Let's see. It's the young lord and the young lady. I suppose they came for your wands. Come on. I was studying some possible combinations ..." In a maniac-like way, he told about his combination tests, as they guided them through the winding corridors to a long staircase.

As they descended, the temperature gradually decreased.

Spreading his mana throughout the environment, he was surprised to notice several forms full of mana. Some larger ones seemed to attract mana like a black hole.

"My lord. Be careful, each of the items here could explode with the slightest trace of foreign energy." Sharn's soft voice rang in his ear warning him.

Waving a serious complexion, he continued according to the wand inventor to a large room filled with items.

Those who seemed most attractive were bound by black chains that seemed to slightly restrict their dangerous aura.

When they reached the middle of the room, Ollivander made a sudden turn, which startled Liz.

"Here we are. The sacred place for all inventors. The magic weapons workshop. My precious creation hall!"

"Tell me what we should do." Cutting him off from his long presentation, he asked about the main objective.

As if it had never been cut, Ollivander waved to all the exotic items in the room and said.

"Make your choices and they will choose you back. "Punctuated by a mysterious smile and pointed with open arms his wide options.

Contemplating the creator's proposal, he belatedly looked at the figure of Liz approaching his hand to a chained item.

"Shit! Sharn, stop it!" In a quick pop the figure of Sharn disappeared and reappeared holding Liz's hand.

Looking away from the item, her eyes narrowed as she realized that the item was emanating a floating, sharp feeling.

 Even though it is not the most dangerous material in the environment. It was certainly enough to kill a young witch like Liz.

Turning his sharp gaze to Ollivander, his eyes shone with a dangerous aura.

"Why didn't you stop her ?! You can be sure, wizard. If anything happened to Liz, I would make it a point to kill you slowly!"

Olivaras, met his serious eyes and bowed after a few moments.

"Forgive me. I was excited at the thought that any of the items here were chosen and I didn't consider the danger."