[Authors Note:

I don't remember when, but I said I wouldn't continue writing until I get back from the army, but thats 6 years from now and I kinda just want something to do when there is some down time. On that note I will write whenever I have time, but that does not mean I will upload on a certain schedule. I could upload tomorrow, the next day, next week, or next month so I advise just leaving this in your library and read other novels/fan-fics in the mean time. If you haven't already try out some manga/comics/anime to either try new forms of entertainment or keep yourself entertained. I recomend Unordinary on webtoons or some other site on the internet.

- Sincerely, Perfecto_KK]


"Ugh... where am I?"

Looking around his body, well more like his soul since he could see through his hands, he noticed nothing but darkness surrounding him. Nothing beyond three meters was visible and the only lightsource was himself.

" YO!"


' No echo...where is this? I don't remember Nie Li ever experiencing anyting like this... or did he? Shit maybe I'm dead again! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Think Ryu think back to the original story...!'

After a few minutes of thinking Ryu recalled something, back when Nie Li was in the Black Spring where he met Yu Yan, the Fire Spiritual God. If his memory was correct then the only thing close to his currect situation is when Nie Li was attempting to sense the Law of Light and in order to do that he was encased in darkness trying to sense the warmth of light from within the darknesss. What he should have done was sense the darkness being as he was in said darkness as it would seem to be the easiest to sense at that moment, but in the end he searched for the light.

' Okay maybe I'm in the same place... hopefully. Lets try sensing the Law of Darkness and see if its easy to sense like I originally thought.... (random BS next I cringed while writing this next part and rereading it to check for spelling errors for some reason.)



is an endless void,

neither evil nor good,

cold yet warm like light,

a beginning and ending like,


is a limitless heaven,

neither good nor evil,

warm yet cold like darkness,

a beginning and ending like darkness,

Light and Darkness...

forever intertwining,



a cycle of push and pull...

14 Expressions are the center of fire and ice...

Space is the center of yin and yang....

Time is the center of life and death...

Shadows are the center of the light and dark...'

With this last thought the low rumble of thunder and crackling of lightning began to appear overhead and dark clouds began to swirl above ryu.

( Let me know if you can think of a better name for the 14 expressions meant to represent the 7 sins and 7 virtues together. I have thought of things like the 14 heavenly sins/virutes, 14 qualities, and 14 expressions. I would prefer a single word, but its hard with the number 14 to include in it.)

" What I seek is nothing or emptiness,

but not emotionless so I require the 14 Expressions...

Fire and Ice are said to represent it,

Yin and Yand are said to represent Space,

Life and Death are said to represent Time,

But these all represent Light and Darkness...

Shadows are said to be the center or boundary of the Light and the Dark,

A Shadow cannot fight( Yes I have seen naruto and solo leveling, like I said this is BS or bullshit for those who don't know what BS is.),

But a Wraith[1] can!"



(Let me know if this could be arranged better or if there are other words that could better these sound effects.)

As if that were a signal black Lightning began to converage in the eye of those swirling clouds and form some sort of creature. The creature wore a shredded cloack that covered its skeletal body and skull that contained dark purple flames for eyes. Although it had flames for eyes its eyes didn't seem to contain any sort of rage or aggression like some spirit of vengeance turned bad, but more vigilant as if it were to be on guard.

The storm continued to worsen as gusts of wind tore at the surrounding vegetation causing the surroundings of the mountain to change drastically as if a bunch of beasts were waging war with one another. As the winds grew stronger and stronger a funnel began to form from the sky steadily making its way toward the ground, wrapping itself around the mountain peak keeping Ryu trapped.

Unfortunately as Ryu was still unconscious (in his modafaking head) he was not able to see, hear, or feel any of what was going on around him, but as his body was within the eye of the storm, where the torrents of wind became nothing but a light breeze and the atmosphere was actually quite peaceful, his body remained unharmed. Although with his reborn body the storm that surrounded him was of no threat to him; if he wanted to he could bathe in a whirlpool and blow dry himself with a tornado.


As his body was being violated by nature outside, on the inside of his body his soul was was with a dark place full of shadows and lightning constantly brushing, carressing, and dancing around him (he's getting his soul molested), meanwhile Ryu was sitting in a lotus postion with his eyes closed.

' I feel a constant tingling sensation throughout my soul what is this...?'


One Hour Later

' It's starting to feel uncomfortable....'


Two Hours Later

' I'm feeling more of an irritating sensation than the previous massage like feeling I was getting earlier.'

As this is happening in his soulspace, on the outside the wraith that was hovering up above Ryu's body had begun to slowly descend.


Four[2] hours Later

' It stings!'


Nine Hours Later



Fifteen Hours Later


The wraith is currently becoming one with Ryu's body, but as its a spiritual being its affecting his soul during the fusion process


Fifteen Hours Later

' I'm starting to go numb....'


Twenty Hours Later

' I feel uncomfortable for some reason....'


Twentyseven Hours Later

' What is this weird feeling I'm getting now... is this PLEASURE?!'


Thirty Hours Later



Thirtyfive Hours Later



Thirtynine Hours Later



Fortytwo Hours Later

" HUFF HUFF HUFF ugh.... I've been converted to an M! Damn this body refinement method! If it weren't for wanting to become a spiritual god I wouldn't have gone through with this crazy method. I had yet to even assess my new body that was practically killed then resurrected and then my soul was tortured for god knows how long.


[Authors fun facts]

1. Wraith is my main on apex legends!

2. There are six numbers that are considered unlucky in the Japanese culture and they are 4, 9, 13, 42, 43, 49.

Number Four (4) — The number 4 is considered unlucky because it shares the same pronunciation as death Shi for that reason, the number is usually avoided by some Japanese people. It is even said that there are no rooms labeled number 4 in some of their hospitals. It is usually just 1, 2, 3, 5, etc. So Instead of pronouncing the number as Shi, it is pronounced Yon to avoid being mistaking for 'death'.

Number Nine (9) — In Japanese tradition, the number 9 is usually considered unlucky because of its pronunciation Ku which happens to be the same word for suffering. So the pronunciation is usually replaced with Kyuu instead.

Number Thirteen(13) — The number 13 is considered unlucky in the Japanese culture but the superstition is borrowed from western culture.

Number Forty-Two (42) — Number 42 is considered unlucky because the pronunciation is similar to the word Shini which means to die so it is usually avoided as it is believed to cause untimely death.

Number Forty-Three (43) — In the Japanese language, the number 43 is considered unlucky because the pronunciation of 43 Shizan is translated as "stillbirth". For that reason, the absence of room number 43 is quite common in some maternity hospitals.

Number Forty-Nine (49) — Besides having similar pronunciation with the word Shiku which is translated as to run over, it is quite understandable that the number 49 would be considered unlucky seeing that it is a combination of the numbers 4 and 9 which are independently considered unlucky numbers.