I Am Grandma

The sight of them made Huo Ci's nose feel a little sore, and his eyes widened miserably. "I have to get up early tomorrow to catch a plane. I'm going to bed."

When he was done bathing, he saw the three of them still chatting on the sofa.

"Mother, Ling Sheng has to join the film crew this morning and Xiaoqi has to go to school. Can't we talk another day?" Huo Ci frowned.

"You still dare to talk about my family. If you'd told me earlier, would I only have found out now? Wait and see, your father will skin you alive." Su Xiyin gave him a look of feigned anger.

Huo Ci said, "Don't tell Dad about this for now. I'll tell him personally when I get back from filming."

Otherwise, if he could not film the scene, he would be called back to be reprimanded.

"Okay, got it." Su Xiyin had a granddaughter, but her son was like a weed. "Then you have to hurry up. I won't be able to hide it for long."