Even If You Beat Me To Death, I Won't Let Her Date Third Master Jun

Huo Xiao pointed his walking stick at Huo Ci. "What's wrong with Jun Shiyan? Sheng Sheng's right. He's just a thousand times better than you!"

Ling Sheng turned around and saw the energetic old man standing there. As he lashed out at Huo Ci, he was full of energy. An obedient smile immediately formed on her cold face. "Hi, grandpa."

Huo Ci was momentarily stunned by the sudden appearance of the old man. "Father, I'm teaching her a lesson. Why are you causing me trouble?"

"Who are you scolding? How dare a wild and idle person like you punish others?" Huo Xiao took off his shoe and threw it at his face.

Huo Ci dodged them in a flash. "Father, we can talk this out. There's no need to be violent."

He was already an adult. Could he let him have some dignity?

How was he going to punish this brat again in the future?