So Sensible That It Hurt to Watch!

The two-week shooting period of "Everyone's Magical Power Emergence" would take place in the mountains with no assistants.

"Sheng Sheng, why will you be gone for so long? Can you not film this variety show?" Su Xiyin, who was reluctant to part with her, was worried sick as she helped her pack her luggage.

Ling Sheng thought to herself, Go and ask my biological father. However, she did not dare to tell her this. She could only comfort her. "Grandma, I'm already an adult. What could happen to me? The production team will be there. We have a lot of people, it's not just me."

When a child traveled 1,000 miles, its mother got worried. Su Xiyin was worried that she might not enjoy the food there. She was also worried that she might have difficulty getting along with the production crew.