A Small Matter

Xiaoqi nodded vigorously, his big eyes sparkling as he hugged her. "Xiaoqi missed his great-grandmother."

Huo Xiao pushed his luggage, which consisted of four big suitcases, before scolding him. "Where's your scumbag of a grandpa?"

That good-for-nothing had finally shown filial piety. He had said he would pick them up with Xiaoqi at the airport and had not gotten someone to do the job.

In the end, only Xiaoqi was there. Without him, who would carry his luggage?

Jun Shiyan had not expected the child to be a member of the Huo Family. He greeted the couple with a slight nod. "Mr. Huo, Mrs. Huo."

Only then did Su Xiyin see Jun Shiyan. She smiled and nodded. "Sir, are you on a business trip?"