
However, despite how weird she looked, so what if she'd had plastic surgery? Given how much money she had, wouldn't many people follow suit to flatter her?

Zhao Hong and Ling Sheng were next to each other. On Ling Sheng's left was an investor whose surname was Ma. He was in his forties and he was bald. His beer belly could pop open his suit, and when he smiled, he looked especially vulgar and greasy. He was the second biggest investor of the movie.

Ever since he had seen Ling Sheng, his sleazy gaze had not left her. He had poured her wine, picked up food for her, and started chatting with her.

"I heard that Ms. Ling knows Little Lu. Is that right?" Zhao Hong asked Ling Sheng.

"Yes." Ling Sheng admitted openly. She had not been aware of Zhao Hong's background before, but after checking her background, she did not dare say anything carelessly, lest she made a mistake.