Not Being Humane

Huo Ci gave Huo Xiao a fake smile. At least this brat was considerate and knew how to speak up for him. If things like this happened every day, there was no way he could live through such days anymore!

"Grandpa, my father still has to film a show. Let him go." Ling Sheng knew that she was in the wrong. She smiled apologetically at Huo Ci, trying to please him. "Father, go back. Don't worry. Sister Mei will take care of the rest."

Huo Ci had wanted to leave long ago. Only an idiot would want to stay and get scolded. "Father, Mother, I'll be leaving now."

"Scram!" Huo Xiao bellowed and pointed at his nose. "I get angry when I see you."

What could Huo Ci say? He had no prestige. No matter what he did, he would be criticized. It was always his fault.