Getting Sick From Getting Drenched

This had been the case ever since he had met her. Xin Xin was really too kind. She always thought of others first. It was precisely because of her kindness that he had been longing for her for so many years.

"Senior Fu, listen to me." Before Luo Xin could finish speaking, she covered her mouth and started coughing. Her face was pale, but the fortitude she exhibited made one's heart ache.

Fu Qingyuan's heart ached even more when he saw her chasing after him. He hurriedly turned around and held out an umbrella. "If you're worried, come with me. The juniors will understand."

Luo Xin let out two low coughs, and her voice sounded hoarse. She did not insist anymore. "Okay, I'll come and tell them myself."

She had initially wanted to give the final performance, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier. There was no way she could wait any longer. She hated being drenched the most. She felt sticky and disgusting.