Call Me Father!

By the time Yan Yuanfei had eaten a few pieces of popcorn, his eyes were a little moist, and his voice was very low. "No need. I'm not thirsty."

Upon hearing his hoarse voice, Ling Sheng opened the lid of the coke and passed it to him. "Drink this. I haven't touched it."

Yan Yuanfei could not reject the young lady's kindness. She thought he was thirsty, but he was really not. He accepted the coke and took a sip before saying gently, "Thank you."

The plot of the movie was very interesting. It was all interconnected and full of suspense. It made one's heart tremble. One could not bear to be distracted for even a minute as they focused on the plot.

Huo Ci's acting skills were indeed textbook level. Whenever he showed emotion, he pulled at the heartstrings of the audience until they cried. When he was being a tough man, people could not help but scream, especially when he had a pursuit scene.