There Is Even a Child

Seeing how they were stuck on this topic, Ji Fanchen quickly interrupted them. "Hurry up and eat. The food is getting cold."

Ling Sheng muttered, "I'll call him over to meet you guys at our gathering one day."

Shi Lingyu had never seen him in person before either, so she urged her. "Aren't we having dinner together right now? Get him to come over!"

Jiang Yi and Chu Zhian raised their hands in objection. "No! Not today!"

It had not been easy for them to accept that the Third Master was Sheng Sheng's boyfriend. They were not ready to see him! It felt awfully frightening. If the Third Master found out that they had even made that kind of joke with Sheng Sheng, would he kill them?

The show would start at five o'clock. There were too many people, so the admission time began at 3:30.

Ling Sheng dragged Shi Lingyu to go buy milk tea and entrusted Xiaoqi to Ji Fanchen, who was most trustworthy.