She Saved Me Before

Song Yiyan's heart ached, and she wanted to cry again. However, she tried her best to hold back her tears. She sniffled and mumbled in a timid voice, "Sorry."

Luo Xin frowned. Ling Sheng had yet to say anything, so who was she to yell at them the moment she opened her mouth? Yanyan was already a sensitive person, and she had not deliberately bumped into her. With an icy face, Luo Xin stated, "We didn't do it on purpose."

Shi Lingyu had not expected that reply when she only mentioned a few words. It was their fault to begin with, so they should just listen. Why were they arguing with her? She frowned and said in an unhappy tone, "We're going to the hospital to take an X-ray and see a doctor. You people can take responsibility!"