Intentionally Leaving The Door Unlocked

Xiaoqi felt very guilty. If he had not wanted to eat the cake, Great-grandpa would not have given it to Grandpa. Then, Grandpa would not have eaten the spoiled cake either. He wanted to find Grandpa, but he did not dare. Grandpa was very angry and would scold him.

Grandpa would definitely have diarrhea since he ate a rotten cake. Mommy said that if someone ate something bad, he would have diarrhea. His stomach would hurt terribly.

The little guy worried about it on his own for a long time before he quietly found the belly button patch Ling Sheng had pasted on him the last time he had had a tummy ache. He strode over on his short legs to find Grandpa.

Ling Sheng did not know what her son was doing. When she came out after drying her hair and putting on a facial mask, she saw the little guy standing at her father's door. He hesitated for a long time before knocking.

"Scram!" Huo Ci threw a pillow at the doorway and it smashed against the door.