Big Boss Huo!

The man's words seemed to carry electric currents as they flowed through her whole body. Ling Sheng's heart raced all of a sudden. When she looked down, she saw a heart-shaped note under his hand. On it was her cartoon caricature. Her face heated up as she let out a low cough and said very solemnly, "Okay."

Jun Shiyan looked at the young girl's suddenly red ears. If it weren't for the people around, he really wanted to touch and kiss those soft ears that caused his heart to race. His lips curled up as he smiled. "Thank you."

Ling Sheng only felt that every word the man said made her heart pound. Wuwuwu, Mommy, look. This man is cheating! He's teasing me again!

Su Yi watched from the side. Can the two of you avoid showing off your affection in front of single people? My god, look at the sickly sweet atmosphere between the two of them. Even the air seemed to be filled with the pink bubbles of love.