Each Bearing Ulterior Motives (2)

Actually, there were not many gifts. Unlike the Su Family, where everyone had prepared welcome gifts for her. Even her cousins had also prepared gifts for her and Xiaoqi.

From the Huo Family, the eldest son's family had given them some gifts symbolically, but she did not open them to see what they were. One could tell from the packaging that they should be jewelry.

When it came to gifts, especially gifts given to juniors by this type of rich families, the best gifts were only jewelry. Giving money would appear too insincere and lacked goodwill.

By the time they were done greeting all the people in the family, two hours had passed. With Huo Xiao guarding Ling Sheng, even if the other families were dissatisfied or unhappy inwardly, they would not say anything sarcastic.