Treated Like Treasure

Because of Yi Jingwei's personal behavior, he was also being criticized and condemned verbally and in writing by netizens all over the country. This frightened the wives of the other family branches. When they introduced someone to Ling Sheng, they did not dare to play dirty tricks anymore.

Huo Xiao had initially agreed for his daughters-in-law to introduce someone to Ling Sheng, only because he wanted her to interact more with outstanding men. That way, she would know that that scumbag Third Master Jun wasn't the only choice. There were many men in the world. Perhaps she would meet someone she liked more!

After the incident with Yi Jingwei, he was already fuming. After scolding his third son and wife, he did not intend to continue with the blind dates. Was it supposed to be a blind date or to give his dear granddaughter a hard time?