Separate from Him

Upon hearing Huo Feifei's words, Ling Sheng sobbed even harder. She cried at the top of her lungs, sniffling aggrievedly, looking like she was running out of breath from crying.

Upon seeing his dear granddaughter cry like this, Huo Xiao could not care less. If he had not seen that he was already almost beaten to death, Huo Xiao would have continued ordering him to be beaten. He pointed at Fourth Brother and his wife and roared angrily, "Look at you people! What kind of rubbish did you bring home?! You only cause me trouble. Hurry up and throw him out."

"Grandpa, how can you only listen to Sixth Uncle and Huo Xuanzhou's side of the story? You should listen to what Edward has to say instead." Huo Feifei's face was full of tears too as she raised her head in grief and indignation.