I Don't Agree

The bedroom on the plane was renovated according to Ling Sheng's preference. A huge bed occupied most of the room, and there was no pressure even if she rolled around.

Opposite was a dressing table and a desk used by Jun Shiyan. On the desk were a computer and various documents, there was a small bookshelf on it that allowed books and scripts to be placed.

Ling Sheng lay on the bed reading the script while shaking her feet and eating her snacks.

Jun Shiyan sat opposite her and was working on the work that had been piled up for a week. From time to time, he turned around to look at the young lady lying on the bed.

In fact, Ling Sheng had not rested well during the past few days of filming. As she read the script, she unknowingly fell asleep.

Jun Shiyan walked over softly and covered the young lady with the blanket. Looking at the young lady's peaceful and beautiful face, he bent down and kissed her gently.