The Light of Fatherly Love

The wedding venue was very lively. The guests were all very enthusiastic as they waited for the wedding to begin.

Jun Shiyan did not have parents, and the Huo and Nangong families did not have so many taboos. They had long discussed that Huo Ci and Nangong Lengyu would sit in the high hall.

"Brother Ci." Su Yi was a meticulous person. When she saw Luo Xin, she was always worried that she would do something bad, so she went to look for Huo Ci. "I saw Luo Xin just now. She's here too."

Huo Ci wore a dark red suit, making him look like a gentleman who had just walked out of a book. Upon hearing Su Yi's words, he frowned slightly. "Where is she?"

Wasn't Luo Xin the woman who got together with Gu Shen in the previous world and then broke up with him? Was the woman still entangled with Third Master Jun in this world?

Did she think that she was Third Master Jun's ex-girlfriend? Was she here to ruin the wedding?