The Song Couple (31)

He claimed that Ji Xing raped that woman? He was insulting her!

If that wretched man Ji Xing could fall for that kind of woman, she would immediately hang him!

"At least you know what's good for you." Ma Guangrong did not hide the obscene desire in his eyes as he rubbed his hands. "Then let's do this. If you give me 100,000 yuan, I won't pursue the matter anymore. We'll call it a reconciliation."

Song Yiyan smiled and nodded, her eyes gentle. "Okay."

Ji Xing did not expect that the little woman who usually scrimp and save would give him money without a word. Seeing the pure smile in her eyes, his lips curled into a smile.

She was not a kind person and valued money more than her life. It was impossible for her to give money to someone else so easily, she must be up to no good and was prepared to take revenge!

The police were about to file a lawsuit when the two sides came to an agreement. They looked at Song Yiyan like she was a fool.