The Song Couple (53)

Song Yiyan admired her more now. A woman who could be so self-disciplined was definitely a ruthless person.

Zhen Xi secretly looked at the couple on the other side of the table from the corner of her eye, her eyes filled with envy.

She couldn't help but wonder if she would be willing to stay with him forever if she also had a boyfriend who treated her so well. He was handsome and had a good figure, but he was poor.

After thinking for a moment, she felt that she wouldn't. She wasn't Song Yiyan. She clearly knew that she wanted money, status, and glory.

So, she prayed that she would never meet someone who treated her so well and liked her wholeheartedly.

After Song Yiyan finished her meal, she sent Ji Xing off. Suddenly, she felt reluctant and grabbed his arm. "Can you not leave?"

Ji Xing's eyes were filled with reluctance and helplessness. His voice was gentle. "There are outsiders here."