The Song Couple (78)

Song Jing resisted the urge to throw away his phone, he did not dare to throw it in front of the Old Master either. He put on a straight face and hummed stiffly. From the corner of his eye, he looked at the girl sitting beside him.

Song Jing agreed, and so did Song Yiyan. Her face was cold. "I don't know how to teach him."

Song Jing's face darkened and he returned the phone to Song Chen. "Dad, I can't learn it either. I'm old and my brain can't keep up with young people."

Song Chen pointed at his nose and said angrily, "How old are you? No matter how old you are, are you as old as me? I can learn it, are you a pig?"

Song Yiyan couldn't help but laugh out loud, she had a hard time holding in her laughter. Seeing Song Jing's face darken, she felt inexplicably happy.

Wouldn't he have to listen to Old Master obediently if he was allowed to be authoritarian?