The Song Couple (98)

The women who had come together were all waiting outside the cave!

The women who were unconscious had already woken up. It was a lie to say that they were not afraid, everyone was trembling. However, after remembering Ji Xing's instructions, they did not escape. They were looking at Liu San!

Liu San also woke up. His face was ferocious as he shouted angrily, "B*tch, let go of me. Otherwise, I'll teach you a lesson!"

The youngest girl in branded clothes beside him turned pale in fright and almost fell. She only stopped after being supported by the woman beside her.

Liu San cursed and threatened the women to let go of him. Otherwise, he would kill them and their entire family.

One of the women was a little scared. She asked the woman beside her in a trembling voice, "What should we do?"