The Song Couple (177)

This was especially true for a female celebrity of her age when her career was on the rise. Even falling in love would affect her, let alone getting married. She was simply risking her career.

Many fans posted long, heart-wrenching articles asking her who the other party was. They were worried that her future career would be affected and that she would not have any jobs to earn money and would be hidden at home.

Song Yiyan didn't expect that she would have so many true fans, she was a little touched by the fans who were worried about her. In order not to let them worry, she prepared to post another Weibo post.

"Give me your hand." Song Yiyan looked at Ji Xing.

Ji Xing obediently handed her his hand, not knowing what she was going to do.

Song Yiyan held his big hand and looked at their fingers. She felt that something was missing. "Do you feel that there's a flaw?"

The marriage certificate was not with her. Otherwise, she would have flashed it.