Best Actor-Best Actress couple (6)

When she got off the plane, snow began to fall.

Huo Ci drove.

Nangong Lengyu fell asleep in the front passenger seat.

Upon seeing that she was asleep, he was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he turned the temperature in the car to the highest. Still afraid that she would be cold, he parked the car by the roadside and took off his coat to cover her.

Behind him, the master whispered, "You're so good to your girlfriend."

He looked over coldly.

F*ck, was he blind? This old man was old and blind. A girlfriend? When did a pretty boy become a woman?

Master Fraud was still very respectful to his financier. He continued, "Young man, as someone who has been through this before, I advise you not to do anything secretly. You have to let her know. Sometimes, women only believe in what they see."