This is Qiao Qing’s Current Fiance

Everyone turned their head when they heard this and saw Jun Yexuan pressed against the door frame, energyless.

Mu Jinghang was holding onto him with a nervous look.

Seeing that everyone was watching him, Jun Yexuan revealed a weak smile, "I am okay."

He Wanqing immediately reacted as well, "I forgot all about this kid. Baby, go check out little Xun and see how his injury is."

Qiao Qing's lips slightly quivered as she walked towards Jun Yexuan.

As Qiao Qing walked over, Mu Jinghang right away placed Jun Yexuan's arm onto Qiao Qing's neck.

Qiao Qing, "…"

Luo Chen straightened up with a blank look on his face, "And this is?"

Before He Wanqing could explain, Mu Jinghang quickly announced, "This is Qiao Qing's current fiancé. Right, auntie?"

He Wanqing was stunned but then remembered her plan to get these two kids together. So she nodded, "Right!"