You Heartless Girl, You Won't Miss Me at all?

Jin Sect.

Qi Feng stood behind Feng Heng, too afraid to even breathe.

Ever since Lang Yin came to return the ring, he has sensed coldness all around the Sect Leader.

God knows how long had passed, Feng Heng finally spoke out, "I have underestimated him. He only experienced a tiny bit of disadvantage in the morning, and by night, he had made a move.

"Qi Feng."

Qi Feng made a fist with one hand and cupped it with the other, "Yes, sir."

"Send a message around the capital city. Let Lu Yunqing use all his resources from inside the city to help out young master Jun."

Qi Feng silently exclaimed over his Sect Leader's dark intentions.

In the end, he could only exhale deeply. Ms. Qiao has always been a knot that could not be untied.


The next day, after breakfast, Qiao Qing went to school as per usual. Jun Yexuan and Mu Jinghang discussed business inside their room.