His Gene Is so Weak that Your Intelligence Took after Your Mother

He Wanqing was stifled. She wanted to step up and start a fight. However, she was scared that Qiao Qing would hear more ugly things.

She dragged Qiao Qing away and comforted, "Baby, don't mind them. I don't care about your grades and I'm not jealous of others. You don't need to blame yourself and force yourself to get number one. If you want to blame someone, then blame your father! It's his fault that his gene is too weak, making you take after your mother in terms of intelligence."

Qiao Qing, "…"

After a moment of silence, Qiao Qing said, "Mom, do you miss dad?"

"I… why would I miss him!?" He Wanqing reacted as if she was a cat whose tail had gotten stepped on.

"That bastard stopped showing up without any warning. Who knows which tramp he ran away with? What use is it for me to think about him? If he refuses to return, then don't ever return! The two of us can live well even without him!"