It Is Qingqing Who Is Giving these to You


Luo Chen turned his head to look. His gaze instantly froze.

The book, "Immortal", that nobody could get their hands on, was now looking like cheap cabbages and were piled up on his desk!

The group of people circling Luo Chen looked over when they heard the chaos. Immediately, everyone gasped.

"What the!!!"

"Did something happen to my eyes?"

"I must haven't woken up!"


Luo Chen stared at the pile of books on his desk. His eyes were full of disbelief.

Gazing at the group of people who were staring at his books like thirsty wolves, he wrapped his arms around the books.

"Whoever tries to take any from me will not see the end of the day!"

Suddenly, he remembered something Qiao Qing had said and he quickly opened up the book on top.

The first thing he saw was a large visible signature on the white space of the first page.

With a "crash", the lollipop in Luo Chen's mouth dropped to the floor.