What if I Told You, I am Feng Ci?

Qiao Nian couldn't exactly lift her head after she had been taunted by everyone. She gave Xu Yingying a death glare before she returned to her own seat.

Jiang Yi glanced at Qiao Qing with his lips pursed. In the end, he was too embarrassed to go up to her so he left as well.

Hou Zibin went up to Luo Chen again. He grabbed onto a signed copy of the book and refused to let go. 

"Brother! Father! Grandfather! Please give me a signed copy! I promise that from today onwards, I will treat sister Qiao Qing as the general who leads me - her horse!"

"Go away! Am I that old?" Luo Chen cursed as he laughed. Then, he brandished his hand, "Since you spoke up for Qingqing just now, take it."

"Thank you, brother Luo! Thank you, sister Qiao!"

This person reacted as if he had gained a treasure. He held onto the book, hopped his way back to his seat, and acted as if he was terrified that someone would fight him for his book.